Pour one out for the runners and mosquitos

man :popcorn:

while reading i got a thought, what about desync? for example u know when u get grabbed despite the guy missing u? that bc for roblox (and them) they hit you (same goes for when u miss someone but still grab them), how will that work? what if for me the person isnt where i aim but for them i am, will just work?

what about lag?

I love cooking, another thing Iā€™m wondering, is what do they mean about facing another player, is it 180 degrees against the other player? 90? 270?

only issue is trying to run from a 10v1

Didnt you say in other topic that you all chill on Japaneese servers?

ill assume its 180 degrees

but i think everyone knows its gonna be buggy as hell

that technically means you can go 90 degrees away
so basically sidedash

i used to not like this change but after a toxic mosquito player targeted my friend that doesnt even pvp and haves 1k fame, im all in favor, please bring it back

we wimpmaxxing with this one :heart_on_fire:

This been cut out entirely from the document yet? No? We still hating every aspect of the game that isnt PVP? PVP-only players still dictating the games enjoyment for everyone else?

Alright. Iā€™ll go back into my hole.

Likely settling on reduced distance instead of a total cut, which is a lot more logical, lol.

Eh, that still makes the game far less fun. Gimping the mobility to be slug pace unless you are directly in combat also makes the game feel clunky and unintuitive for newer players still learning the ropes. Who decides the area of effectiveness? Do they just have to be on my screen? Will a system like that even be able to keep up with that in high paced combat? Or do I have to direct them with pinpoint accuracy, a 30 degree angle, a 40 degeree- what now?

Basically if I misfire an ability or just outright miss Iā€™ll be a slow, sitting duck in the air for players and NPCs alike? Thatā€™s so absurdly and unnecessarily punishing, only the top 5% of players could ever think a feature like this would be ā€˜fairā€™ or ā€˜funā€™ in any regard. There are other ways to handle a speed meta than this. If you really wanna kill it- introduce a hardcap to attack distance on crash/rushdown, or attack endlag to make it harder to instantly breakaway and shoot off a mile into the sky.

There are far too many holes in the idea that just make it horribly one-sided towards high-level pvp alone. This doesnā€™t need half-measures: kill it entirely. Any version of its implementation is a headache for the entire player base who doesnā€™t exclusively pvp.

Welcome to the life Mage has been living since launch. Implementation of this change might slightly reduce your quality-of-life out of combat, but this isnā€™t going to punish you in fights unless you are a mosquito, or a full-on trackstar.

Have a little faith in Vet. This is a change he wants to see to personally, so Iā€™m sure heā€™ll put the effort in to make sure itā€™s coded alright.

These only work in the context of classes with mobility skills chasing other classes with mobility skills. Introducing a cap to Crash or Rushdown distance or increasing endlag on these moves when theyā€™re used to run still leaves Mage, Iron Leg, and Weapons builds that have no TP skills / Spiraling Fury unable to chase opponents. You have to throw in the towel if they decide to turn tail, simple as that.


You know itā€™s starting to feel like Combat and Exploration are filing for divorce. The game always felt inconsistent with whether it wanted to be survival or a power fantasy, and while I donā€™t mind it too much, itā€™s kind of weird.

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oh boy, look at this shitshow, i probably shouldnā€™t have neglected it until now
havenā€™t pvped in like 4 months, but i donā€™t care, iā€™m gonna talk shit anyway

  1. what the fuck is a mosquito build supposed to be? i swear, this popped into existence two days ago

  2. i donā€™t think vetex realizes that no matter what game you play, NOBODY, and i mean NOBODY, will regularly NOT want to get from point A to B as fast as they can

this is why people always hold the sprint button in any game they can if the stamina isnā€™t microscopic, which is also why stamina in WoM was so annoying. (oh boy! i canā€™t wait to go from riverville to summer hold! time to slowly traverse the map for ~20 seconds and be forced to go even SLOWER for another, like, 7!)
this is why nobody likes the stepstones after their first playthrough (UP AND DOWN AND UP AND DOWN AND UP AND DOWN AND)
giving them a method to blast through your map, intentionally or otherwise, and then taking it away is obviously going to piss them off

as for the whole competitive vs casual thing with the testers?
i mean in some probably non-story related cases, making the test world public for a short time before the updateā€™s release COULD work
thereā€™ll obviously be shitty outliers smearing the genuine feedback a bit, but thereā€™s a good chance itā€™d be more casual-friendly than getting the testers to pretend like they have a total playtime of 30 hours as if some of them havenā€™t been working on the game for two to three years


What seems inconsequential to you as ā€˜reduce your quality of life out of combatā€™ is 90% of my gameplay. You are under the assumption that I spend most of my time fighting- I do not. I am exploring, doing treasure charts, diving spots, chest runs, ingredient harvesting- several activities unrelated to combat in any way shape or form that will become far more monotonous and tedious once my movement options have been gimped.

Climbing the side of a rock for 20 seconds is not fun. If Stepstones complaints got through to anyone- its that the average player does not find spending several minutes to get where they need to go fun in any way shape or form.

My major complaint about this in total is that it is going to make mid-level pvp clunky and punishing. Say someone with slow reaction time attacks someone who dodges out of the way before they use crash. Well then they get nerfed distance and donā€™t even get to keep applying pressure, theyā€™ll just awkwardly hang as a sitting duck.

I have no problem with the general consensus of reducing Mosquito playthrough effectiveness, or shortening the gap between the fastest playstyles and the slowest. I am a slow fighting style user myself- but the fact remains that other areas of the game will suffer so that PVP may haveā€¦ a middling solution that still feels clunky.

If it were just IN combat- like rushdown, that you get full range, then sure, whatever, but donā€™t implement this crap where missing is ever further punishable JUST because you find running too effective.

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i just find it a bit ironic that now magic based builds are now the most well endowed movement wise out of combat

you unlock leap at 60 magic points (level 30 for pure mages)

you unlock the first potential weapon movement skill at MINIMUM 120~ weapon points (level 60~ for pure warriors (assuming you get ravenna sword(assuming ravenna sword flying pheonix is a movement skill(also assuming flat increase of 30 points for every skill)))

and airstep at 150 strength points (level 75 for pure berserkers)

so fuck you if you are a warlord/knight/juggernaut

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I see no issue in this case

(Complete sentence)

Airstep is 180, Focus is 150

So itā€™s uh

even worse