Power techniques for Vitality-Strength Hybrids

Power techniques for Vitality-Strength Hybrids
effort 5.0 1 quality 4.0 1 reasonability 0.0 0

Power Techniques: Techniques that require Vitality and Strength to use.

Description: Techniques that are about combining strength and spirit energy instead of just imbuing.

Mechanics: They are special techniques that can be learned and applied to a fighting style you possess. Upon learning a power technique that power technique can be linked up to a spirit weapon if one is equipped this can be done via its technique options allowing it to take properties from the linked spirit weapon. If no spirit weapons are equipped at the current moment, I guess there would be like a default option of just spirit energy. (BTW power techniques are affected by properties imbued onto the fighting style so one could have an iron leg power technique linked to the staff of Nyx imbued with an Eagles Patrimony but also if you also happen to be a savant you could all have an iron leg power technique linked to the eagle’s patrimony imbued with water magic)

Limits: There’d be a limited amount of power techniques you could have applied at a time which would probably have to be discussed.

Customization: You can customize them like you do with techniques such as changing the embodiment increasing the amount and adjusting the size and turning it to an ultimate art.

How it will look: Im not sure how these will look when being performed but I am open to suggestions.

How to acquire: Most likely scrolls that can be found in sealed chests

Lore-Suggestion: No clue, maybe made by gods or maybe they were invented by humans.

Why: One could suggest strength spirit weapons however one that would be kind of lazy and two it would kind of go against the lore of spirit weapons being extremely rare and three if all hybrid abilities were special weapons they could use it could create a system where AO combat would heavily revolve around weapon slots. Spirit weapon linking is also just an idea I had that I thought was cool.

Ideas for Power Techniques

Compressed Spirit: Kind of based on the rasengan from Naruto it involves gathering tons of spirit energy into a body part and compressing it to high amounts and then charge at your opponent doing high damage and knocking them back far away.

Spirit Body: Surround your body with your aura and spirit energy and making a kind of armor out of it which can be used to enhance stats.

Feel free to comment your ideas for power techniques.
Links to my other hybrid ideas
Wisdom Spells

Power Techniques

Courage Rites

Martial Magic

1 Like

Juggernaut falls into a similar scenario as Warlock where you don’t really get much in the long term outside of imbuement synergies. So having more ways to use the two aspects of the class in tandem would be very much appreciated.

strength spirit weapons

Kk thnx

Do you mind explaining what you mean by that are you quoting what I said on my opinion o strength spirit weapons or is that what you want

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