Predict what the meta will be

acid feels like a better glass if I’m being real

mage with wind and some magic size
and ice snow or metal as a second magic

we’ll see ig

wait, it’s all water?

always has been.

space astronauts, wait its always has been Blank Template - Imgflip

definitely think ice sailor will be in the top meta for it’s freezing capabilities.
mages with all points in magic who have magics that work together will def be in the meta with rapid fire beam spells
I realistically don’t think weapons would be too meta but definitely viable until a busted combo is found and they skyrocket to #1 meta pick

Not a single whisper of full vitality, shame.

vetex: implements every single awakening, pure builds, hybrids, AND vitality hybrids
also vetex: doesnt implement full vitality awakenings
all full vitality builds users: “It’s war, den”

The freeze wasn’t why everyone was freaking out, the freeze is even more useless than wom

(And its getting nerfed big W)

everyone freaking out about ice sailor but nobody talk about snow sailor :pensive:

Because -60% actually matters now

okay just use ur second magic like you do have 2 magics as a warlock smh lolz :stuck_out_tongue:

:snow_magic: + :ice_magic_var2: or something that synergises with the freeze

hell even :explosion_magic: could work if ur weird

You aren’t landing a hit with magic before freeze breaks
You land another hit with sailor ice for extra damage

And you don’t until second awakening


well whatever snow has it’s uses still


Not with sailor fist


well what can snow do :thinking:

slightly blind

meh :fr:

still beats ice

worst case it’ll get buffed

The meta will obviously be Warden, only good build tbh. People are dumb it they think otherwise. Warden has damage in the 4th dimension due to using magic, fighting styles, weapons, and denpa men Antennae to attack. Although they have the lowest health out of any build, Wardens can use the Obsidian Armor based off terraria to summon redditors that will attack other players. Truly the best build :nod:

what the actual fuck did I just read

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