Prism's Unfinished Stuffs

I procrastinated on making a forum account for way too long.
Anyways, I made some models for planned minibosses/non-story bosses. Might pose them later, maybe even make a diorama, but that depends on if I can find models similar enough to AO’s.

The nyxian staff and mask were modeled and textured by me. Everything else was either taken from the roblox catalog or edited from JTN’s very useful starter pack.


May I recommend @Catean 's hair, items, and accessories log for any models you might need? There’s a list of all 97 (-1 missing ) hairs and a WIP library of AO items that you can find.


I’ve made use of that, primarily for Leviathan’s hair. Most of the stuff I’m looking for is stuff like the musketeer hat, AO weapon models, fighting armors, and dark sea armors, all of which seem to be missing from the list currently.

Stylish Musketeer - Roblox for musketeer hat.

Cat also showed this method for finding AO items:

In terms of armor, many of them are reskins of the same packages used for other armors, and I don’t think I’ve labeled every single armor that uses the same package together yet (might need to do thateventually, honestly). For example, the steel armor and vatrachos armor share models, and I think one of the fighting robes is the same as carina’s. Newer items are also more likely to be missing

Most of the weapons should be there too, but some might be missing.

Decided to practice some retexturing. Here is the Azuran knight of unknown identity, hinted at in the miniboss section of the trello.

For a simple cut-and-hue-shift, the armor came out very well. I originally planned on adding a light-magic-esque emblem to the chestplate, but posing killed me. Some more accessories wouldn’t hurt but that is a later task.

The aether orb spirit weapon was modeled by me a while ago. It originally had a billboard decal meant to substitute for an arcsphere-esque inner glow, but it looked awful so I removed it.


Started playing lob corp again and the brainrot has taken hold

I wanted to make some fighting style/technique dioramas and I figured I should make some templates for fighting gears for my own sanity. The full set is still a WIP but if anyone wants the fighting armor/leggings textures & models let me know.

In the meantime, have the rainbow berserker.


the holy hand gernade…

I left this person in the dark sea for 2 months for ethical testing purposes and I think they are a little sick.

mild fish pattern baldness


New update on my current project: I made icons!
Guess which fighting styles they belong to.


More previews of the fighting style project since its been a minute. Not sure if this’ll go in suggestions, art, or what, but it’ll definitely be a new thread.

Also, if anyone has any tips or resources regarding particle effects, they would be much appreciated. I can probably make due with decals and transparent models but good information would probably save me a lot of headaches.

Knocking Fist User
Pankration User


random thing-
Hecate shard concept art.
Or any colorful frosted jewel, really. Its color is based on brick color so you can do whatever with it.

I’m interested in the fighting armor and leggings texture.

Sorry for the delay, travel shenanigans happened so I’ve been away.

Here is the link to a google drive containing all necessary files, roblox IDs, & instructions: Link
Let me know if you need any help.

Thank you!

Particles never looked quite right in studio so I decided to add some in post, alongside some icons.
Practice makes for better practice, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the first result is a little scuffed, but photoshop has certainly been easier to wrangle. Let me know how it looks.