PSA: Good luck if a mod falsely bans you :)

not every mod is gonna match up usernames in clips, they’ll assume other mods did their jobs correctly

another reason to not let people easily just be able to follow you into your server.

mods when they have hundreds of tickets to go through

this is a lego game i doubt any mod is going to put 100% of their effort into moderating (considering they gain basically nothing)
roblox (multi billion dollar company btw) has the shittiest mod team in existence so i dont know what ur expecting

i was mistaken, it took 7 seconds, please recalc.

download time + upload time + take into account that crops wont work for all videos considering it might put exploiters out of frame + thats an image so theres no render time (idk if cropping a video in photos even needs to render so disregard this if it doesnt)

still wouldnt be 5 mins but still

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‘‘download time + upload time’’ really bro? if their goal is to mod out and get as many tickets done as fast as possible they can mod all over other tickets while it ‘‘uploads and downloads’’

and as for visibility the ui only covers about 15% of the screen i agree it could be an issue theoretically but it’s a fucking stretch since when someone is exploiting the username/character has to be visible anyway and not covered by the ui, it’s still a viable way for people to see the ‘‘evidence’’ especially in cases where they get banned while they’re offline for no reason? it gives them a fighting fucking chance to talk back?

considering the alternative is people staying banned like tap would have i think they should take a minute to crop a video :person_shrugging:

they chose to be a mod i think the 15 second burden won’t break their balls and if you cant handle the 30 second download and upload maybe hang up your mod fedora :neutral_face:

i would rather try invent a new ways to handle those kind of situation while also remaning a reporting person anonymous

small note telling people to try to use photo mode (but it’s not required) could work maybe

my guy not a single soul on earth wants to be downloading multiple roblox clips and keeping track of which one is which while browsing other tickets of people complaining about their bans that is literally damnation

this is true. dont know what i was on i was thinking ao ui was like 3x bigger than it usually is

if this was the requirement to be a mod then nobody would want to be a mod, therefore, 0 ways to get appealed (woo). the mod to player ratio is already laughably small, very awesome to decrease it even more!!

being a mod is already frustrating when most people are blatant exploiters trying to weasel their way out of a ban and demanding evidence of their obvious exploits. yes, mods need to be more proactive (i have never seen anyone get banned instead of the actual exploiter until now), but at the end of the day its roblox and mods have lives

pretty simple problem fix tbh. if the problem is people not wanna be hunted or smth. then don’t let them be able to be hunted??? let us choose who can go into our servers with the join player thingy. done.

you can exploit this idea by using bots

theres already ways to join players without using the tp feature (not leaking)
also im pretty sure joining any player is a thing to hunt down high ranked bounties. dunno why people are complaining when high ranked bounty players are supposed to have that bounty from pvping and not bug abusing
dunno what can be solved about witch hunting normal players w/o removing the feature all together though

firstly if 10 seconds of editing stops you from being a mod? then don’t be a mod. quit. hang up your fedora like i said. i’d rather wait longer then have an incompetent one minute wonder moderating my ticket

secondly i heavily disagree, there’s always people who are going to want to be a mod in a community like this where people care about the game, shit i’d become/apply to be a mod personally if i ever started using the ao discord (i wont) if you choose to be a mod you should be able to handle spending 3 minutes on a single ticket :neutral_face:

the issue that really arises is having to filter out people who want to be a mod for the flexing and people who want to be a mod to genuinely be a helpful member of a community they care about

says a lot about the current organisation skills of the current AO mod team, god even deepwoken was never this bad :face_exhaling:

the difference would barely be noticeable if you optimise it? you don’t need any fancy paid software like mentioned earlier, takes a couple seconds

it would literally go from:

upload clip > post in ticket


upload clip > 7 seconds to edit (like i already showed) > post in ticket

to be fair just setting it to friends only would deter 90% of these wannabe witch hunters already

that said for the next 10% there’s basically no way to stop unwanted people joining you, there’s a million different ways to join someone’s server through other methods so i think keeping anonimity through the, i don’t know 10 seconds of cropping? is the best solution currently

“Our bad have a nice day”

Dawg? That’s it? No something else needs to be done here :skull:

tbf tap got a sunken 10 minutes after he got unbanned so…today was a net positive for him

this either/or is insane, especially since it disregards other aspects such as downloading random clips off roblox users on discord (discord has some of the worst security features that can lead you to getting hacked off the simplest of interactions and roblox players are quite frankly demonic). once again, not a single mod team in existence for any popularish game will do this. not showing a clip to a user shouldn’t deem you unfit for a mod position, especially if in most circumstances the ban is justified.

of course, in some cases, such as leveling up too fast, mods should run background checks. however, if this was to be the case, the community would once again whine about how some bans get background checks and some dont, eventually forcing the mods to either run background checks on everything (very fun and definitely invigorating for any mod) or to not run any background checks at all (community will still complain) or to not change their methods (community will still complain)

this is just plain wrong—sure theres going to always be people who are upmost dedicated to being a mod, but they wont survive burnout. especially when the community is complaining about both response time of tickets and quality of the tickets—you just can’t win.

i’ve seen the most dedicated, nicest, patient mods suddenly disappear for weeks and months because they just do not want to deal with the community anymore. now imagine the community is a cesspool of 14 year old script kiddies who feel entitled to everything and will lash out if they do not get what they want (roblox community). spending 3 mins on a ticket when you have to fulfill a quota will not help in this scenario, in fact, it’d just make it hell for any mod—even if they want to do their job.

ok but this is just wrong. dw moderation has to be the most horrid and terrifying mod team ever. they will literally collaborate and devise a plan to get an innocent person banned b/c they don’t like them. my friend was exempt from mod because “he wouldn’t fit there”. (he is one of the most fair dudes i know)

these are unpaid mods for a roblox game why do u want to make their lives living hell

we just have to pray roblox anti cheat comes out so mods arent inundated w/ tickets and can actually spend time on them w/o the constant pressure of the god-awful roblox community

also we most definitely have different perspectives and experiences when it comes to mod teams, we’re getting no where with this conversation so i’m gonna stop replying
i understand your wants, i’d prefer a fair and just mod team too, it’s just not feasible. pushing these expectations on mods will just make them miserable.

but we can both agree that roblox sucks ass—they’re a multi billion dollar company with the worst anti cheat known to man (pray that byfron actually does something)


‘‘expectations’’? it’s 10 seconds of time my friend

good point about the security issues, however just make sure it’s mp4 only and that problem is vaporized

not a single mod team in existence for any popularish game will do this? it’s one extra step that takes seconds for them that completely saves people from false bans

your a mod, you dedicate a set amount of time per day for answering tickets, i really don’t think it’s that unreasonable to tack on an extra ten seconds of time per ticket if it can save people from these unfair bans

also i don’t get this point,

so? you’d be fucking over anyone caught in the net of being accidently banned,

they have nowhere to go and no way to defend themselves from this possible ‘‘imaginary evidence’’

the mod in the original post basically said that ‘‘well we have confirmed video proof of you exploiting so fuck you ticket closed’’ without even seeing a frame of this imaginary clip?

this games moderation and ban system sucks currently, personally I know two people who’ve been permabanned where in both situations they did nothing wrong and mods where in the wrong and apologized to both

one (tap) was just lucky enough to have a mod friend up his sleeve to bail him out from a bs ban he didn’t deserve

how can you defend yourself from a bs ban if you can’t even see the ‘‘evidence’’?

i understand the concept of burnout but taking 20 extra seconds to stop unreasonable bans will not cause burnout any faster

as compared to the ao modteam which is just a person wearing a blindfold* pressing a shiny big red ban or unban button everytime they go through tickets

*blindfold referring to these mods apparently taking under 3 minutes of time to do a ticket like you said? logically speaking how are you meant to give anyone a fair ban appeal or ban exploiters when all you do is skim their ticket give a 2 word reply and then close said ticket without giving them time to even reply to whatever you said

what is the point of a ban appeal if mods just shut people out and tell them to fuck off when they have a valid appeal?

bit off topic but yeah i don’t see how that makes them a bad mod team? the first point made sense but this is just ‘‘well my friend couldn’t be a mod so the mod team bad’’ the not fitting excuse is just the teams way of a soft rejection instead of having to say ‘‘we found someone better with more modding experience’’

this is absolutely ridiculous, it’s a couple seconds, it’s not time consuming in the slightest and those seconds are saving people from being unfairly banned

ban appeals exist for a reason. innocent people get banned alarmingly often, and until that changes (it never will) you should be allowed to have a fair shot at an appeal?

currently mods are just brushing people off and trying to fufill this bs ‘‘mod quota’’ which is why i mentioned earlier that it seems like a very bad motivator

they’re rushing through these tickets so quickly that currently if you open a ticket to report an exploiter there’s a chance that you, youself will get banned

literally wtf is the point of a ban appeal if you aren’t even given a fair chance to appeal?

i feel we could come to a middle ground about requirements for appeals, i asked my guild on their opinions because i was genuinely curious and i think 60+ hour reqs would be a steep but fair requirement to request the video

completely understandable, i feel i’ve dissected all your points as fairly as i can and i’m sorry we couldn’t hit a middle ground, and genuinely all i want (what we both want) is a better appeals system at the end of the day as the current one is clearly held together with tape and bubblegum and is barely functioning

personally i still stand by everything i said and i still think that for appeals to be fair to the people appealing they should be able to request a cropped video of the clip that got them banned, christ i’m even willing to settle for a 7 second gyazo clip as good enough for appealers to get back if the ‘‘exploiting’’ is blatent enough,

through this conversation i have changed my mind about the requirements, needed to request a clip, as in having a certain amount of hours to request a clip would cut down the amount of people asking for it by more then 60% depending on the requirement

in general i think people appealing deserve the right at least to see what has gotten them banned, fraudulent reports aren’t exactly hard to fake (yba community knows all about that lol) and false bans like taps seem to get more and more common

i’m just saying there’s a reason ban appeals exist, and if the current system stops ACTUAL REAL FAIR ban appeals from going through then what’s the point?

Although this paints a very bad picture of vetcord mods they have been nothing but helpful in my experience. I will admit I didn’t read this entire thread but rather skimmed it and saw a point saying people should be hesitant to report exploiters.

  1. No you shouldn’t, fuck exploiters I’ve lost like 30k bounty by kill aura
  2. Of the 3 exploiters I reported with clear evidence, all 3 got banned

Idk about getting an appeal but you definitely should NOT be scared to report.