last time i checked
You didn’t actually give reasons though you pasted it into chatgpt and said “give me issues with this suggestion” and then reworded it. It reads like someone who has never played ao combat before.
what are the most voted ones
Amazing! 99
one more! one more!!!
(incomplete sentence)
I wouldn’t want to live in a world with Bow-wielding NPCs without agility. I’m sure it’s possible to somewhat consistently dodge, but it sounds like such a headache.
I remember giving similar idea to 1 of suggestors some time ago for NPC attack accuracy and blinding affecting it, but this one has even more flushed out and also addresses blocking mid attacks. If I had to add 1 suggestion into the game it would probably be this.
To add onto this with some notes:
- They can indeed fire several attacks at once or change from one type to the other- like weapons and magic- which leads to any npc that has more than one type of attack being a pain in the fucking ass. A cooldown would be needed.
- Bosses can not be grabbed. I am aware that them being grabbable could lead to issues- but this gives the fighting styles major disadvantages in some cases. Maybe making it a certain chance would be better than just them being straight up ungrabbable.
- Bosses/Npcs are hard to spot in specific areas. (As example: Maria in her stupid fuckin boat, Carina on orange ground during the halloween update etc). They move too frequently and too quick to keep track of them- an indicator as to where they are or just making them less invisible would be a great help to get everyone on equal playing field regardless of if an npc moves a lot or not.
- They dash 24/7. Cooldowns needed.
- Any magic that needs to hit several times to apply effects is useless due to the rapid blocking. Even if it were percentage based, this is still bad.
- Fighting any npc with aoe hazards is… a joke, really. They die easily to them bc their ai just does not notice there happens to be hazards there. And god, i do not even need to start on the issues with general magic effects (blindness etc) bc we know those (dont work.)
a ok
15 Hour bump (This suggestion can’t die until its in game)
good luck trying to extend the time until atleast may, if not august if we’re unlucky
for real
considering the modifier suggestion got 89 over the space of 3 months of bumping i think this one is worth the effort
also 14 hour bump
another 10 hour bump because
It’s amazing how long this topic has been open! I just hope it’s possible in the end. I’m sure Vetex is aware of these things, just as sure as I am that coding such a dynamic system will be a pain in the ass. But I think it’ll be worth it!
remember to vote
Sir i’m not old enough to legally vote