Put your spiciest PVP opinions here

i still stand by what i said, the pvp is ass and easily the worst part of what’s otherwise a pretty alright game
if people are having fun playing ass, then good for them, it’s not my position to judge them

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You gotta do pulsar spam man

this picture is the ao balancing discord

This is not v1.11


as an ice snow mage bcs i like the concept of ice and snow who doesnt appreciate the meta

ill do my best to avoid pulsar spam mid freeze :sweat:

i dont really use pulsar anyway except when i remember i can use it to force people in a specific direction, and when it freezes them its counterproductive to that goal

Zero PvP?

He might aswell make the game Singleplayer

If you start killing anyone or anything, including sea monsters, the sharks smell the blood and come to you super quickly, bringing White Eyes with them. This should be added to deincentivise PvP and ganking.

bleeding potions

Dashes either need to have a bigger cooldown or consume more stamina

Where is the downvote button

I can understand that when i see how unconjured weapons are better than conjured with certain type of magics but that is not the case for all the magics .I believe that acid conjurer isn’t bad is it?

I asked him why he thought conj was bad and he brought up lightning conj, and when I asked about literally everything else he ghosted the thread lol. We’ll never know

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acid conj is the only decent conjurer

knight has more damage potential. savant is easier to use
mage is better for ganks
warrior has vindicator


misinformation (so long as you’re not purposefully running one of the shit magics w conj)


block button :blush:

You are incorrect dear sir!!! conjurer is not top tier but its definitely not bottom tier either, so long as you’re just not bad at the game you can make any conjurer work really :yawning_face:

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More damage potential? Knight? A class that’s based off of a stat which decreases your damage output the more you put into it? Also, savant easier to use than a conjurer? When you have 6 total things on your hotbar to swap between compared to conj’s 4? When all you got are old quality weapons that aren’t quite as good as literally every other quality tier of weapon, and your fighting style(s) and magic(s) lack the same size as a conj?
Based XD

power jewels (knight)
the ratio is more than your average non vit build is scewed towards more power

Ok, I can at least understand that point when you put it like that

doesn’t everyone else have access towards power jewels?

oh right, vitality classes don’t need to invest towards endurance jewels (or whatever they’re called) as much.

You mean defense jewels?

lightning conj is not dogshit :sob: