Put your spiciest PVP opinions here

Okay hear me out

Savant is actually like high B tier (even after the nerfs)

picking conjurer was the worst mistake iā€™ve ever made i fucking hate it

feinting should exist :frcryin:

Destruction is fun

mage is absolutely horrible and should be buffed significantly, in a game where everything revolves around magic mages shouldnā€™t be the weakest, not to mention they donā€™t have any unique planned stuff. Theyā€™ll probably be good for a week after dark seas with the new rare spells but even then warriors are getting more weapons abilities and berserkers users get more techniques, also wouldnā€™t be surprised at all if they get nerfed into the ground again immediately. Also I swear balancing for mage sucks, thereā€™s like 3 actually viable combos. AND THEY HAVE NO MOBILITY, if we donā€™t get some form of mobility spell in dark seas im going to riot I donā€™t want to have to invest into agility just to be able to do something every other build can do with abilities


its good, its just the other classes are too oppressive (weapon and fstyles)

they do, ancient magics, ancient spells, and rare spells which will likely be exclusive to them in the next update

its just different playstyles. slow magic mages exist and if youre skilled and understand the playstyle you can absolutely perform well with it
heres a clip of one of the top mages running metal

they will. im pretty sure one of the testers said its going to be a magic dash

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all good points but

rare spells wonā€™t be exclusive to them forever, just the few months till nimbus sea, and hybrid builds will be able to get ancient magics, they just canā€™t have 2 (which is still just kinda dumb, I mean I wanna see conjurers with lost magics sure but Iā€™m not sure they should have access to ancient magics too, even if itā€™s one or the other. Also the whole mage 2nd awakening just being another extra magic is kinda stupid and there should be some kind of incentive to use it instead of conjurer or warlock which are objectively better and will still probably be better (edit here: mages having a 3rd magic is cool yes, but what I mean is that it isnā€™t nearly as good as any hybrid build (apart from Paladin), especially because of the spell tier system. Mages should have some kind of buff in their awakenings that makes it worth it)). Ancient spells are the only thing we donā€™t know if itā€™s mage exclusive, really hoping it is

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yes they wont but major updates (aka level cap increases) will take a long time and until then its remaining exclusive

its for lost and ancient magics later on in the game, and hybrids wont be able to use both lost, ancients, and base magics at the same time. also theres going to be a boatload of spells and the spell slots will come in handy for when that happens.

imbue synergies are already being nerfed pretty hard, with stuns having reduced durations on imbue and bleed synergies being halved

probably is, maybe weā€™ll have 1 or 2 that arent exclusive but theyll probably require you to use a full magic hybrid (60% magic 40% other stat)

hybrids that use ancient magics are probably going to be also limited compared to mage, like right now, they wont be able to utilize the ancient magic to its full potential

didnā€™t think about the extra spell slots and the not being able to fully use ancient magics, you win this one fellow arcane player

raptor isnt a top mage
it also requires 0 skill to use, its just aoe abusing

Im just yelling at the guy whoā€™s using lightning on why heā€™s missing so many shots and why heā€™s trying to outclash metal

Broski it ainā€™t going to work, I tried.

how tf does anyone use lightning and expect to hit easy shots AND outclash metal?

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Heā€™s not close to a top mage

Lightning conj is one of the best conjs, on par with wind


My ass never rolled this hard on the ground from a joke :sob:

did it take you that long to read this post

(also wheres the multishot damage buff to make it worth ever using over piercing shot :innocent: )

doesnā€™t mean itā€™s capable of outclashing freaking metal or having enough aoe to kill someone behind you with a beam

if ur losing to fodder metal mages that arenā€™t abusing pots thats a massive skill issue

I have around 3k kills with lightning conj with under 200 hours and i pve in that slot lmfao, lightning can dish out 250 damage per staff shot and the sunken sword synergy, with insane speed and decent size