Put your spiciest PVP opinions here

Nerfing size isn’t a spicy opinion

give warriors the ability to equip a 4th weapon to compensate for their utter lack of mobility + range potential in the face of magic and fighting styles


i think that should be warriors next awakening or something

Most of it can’t even be considered PVP.
It’s mostly just stat-checking your opponent.
My favorite PVP game was Dragon Ball Z: Final Stand. The amount of attacks you could use allowed you to get any gameplay you wanted. Blocking was just that, blocking, no parrying. However, the ONLY way to break block was by doing heavy attacks, or specific moves, or attacking from behind. Thing is, whenever you blocked, you would gain Ki back, which you used for attacks. So if you were good at blocking efficiently, you could have zero Ki, and still make a comeback.

Another thing was transformations and races, they each had their own unique strengths and slight buffs. You could transform after certain level, and some forms had more drain, yet increased your Ki management, some had health drain, some could only used at near-death. For example, for humans, you could get Kaioken x20 at around level 100, and at around level 175 or so you could get Mystic. Mystic had all-around stats, while Kaioken had higher stats in melee dmg, ki dmg and speed, so you could use the one your situation needed the best.

If you were good at the game, you could legitimately defeat someone 50-100 levels above you, depending on how big the gap was when it came to transformations and levels. For example, if you were a level 50 and fought a level 75, you could win. If you were level 480 and fought a level 670, you could win. Which is another reason as to why ganking low levels was still tolerable, and people could do something about it. However the game died down after lack of updates and loss of interest, so I left it behind.

Then it used to be YBA, the fighting was simplistic yet allowed for so much, parrying WAS part of this game, and there was actual punishment for trying to parry and doing it incorrectly, you either had your block broken which stunned you, or didn’t block at all. Attacks were relatively telegraphed so if you had fast reaction time (and decent internet), you could parry everything (except some moves that were actually unparriable). There was a Stand tierlist, yeah, but someone with a bad Stand could outplay someone with a good Stand, because in lategame, you have 100 stat points to be divided between your character, your Stand and your specialty. So you couldn’t outstat someone, but your build could vary depending on what abilities they got, how much health they upgraded, etc etc.
You could actually beat mods who had customized Stands or abilities, which brings me to my next point, the downfall of it. The mods were shit, honestly, they’re essentially what Noble Phantasm is now… except with actual power to ban you because they wanted. I beat one of the higher-up mods, his ego was so broken he said I was exploiting and permabanned me. I dropped the game and after a while a lot of people did too, because they made it overly complicated, with way too many effects and moves, so much that there were so many keybinds you had to stretch your pinky from WASD all the way to J,K and L. Changed the entire map that people were used to, you have ZERO way of fast-traveling so getting around was a pain. Therefore, it died out from its glory.
What finished it off though was that it turned into a trading simulator and a gacha for skins. The pity system was trash, and if you wanted a SPECIFIC skin from a SPECIFIC Stand, the percentages overlapped, so you needed the chance of getting THAT Stand, and the chance of that Stand having THAT skin.

The thing with AO PVPing is… it’s really not. It’s dashing around, throwing moves and hitting G anytime someone does anything. God forbid you anger someone 20 levels higher than you because he automatically has EVERYTHING much better than you. Better stats in armor, better weapons, better moves, BETTER NATURAL STATS AND DAMAGE.

It’s literally about having better gems and gear, and usually having a better internet/PC. If you have a moderately average PC and fight an Ash/Poison/Explosion user, you’re gonna lose 7/10 for the sole fact you can’t react at anything, SEE anything and parry anything.
Even if you play correctly, as a Level 50 against a Level 65, they’ll have more damage than you and defense anyways. You parry 3 of his attacks, great, you land 2, looking good. He lands an attack and you fail to block it, too bad, you’re missing 1/3 of your health and having whatever DoT effect on you, be that bleeding, poison, burning, etc.

It becomes worse when people who THINK they’re good are literally just stat-checking people and spamming explosion/smash. You CAN’T lose, you just deal more damage than them, that’s a fact, whatever you do, as long as they’re in your range (which by the way is nearly instantaneous), you’re gonna win.

I’m happy that I don’t play it for the PVP, but for the story, immersion, PVE and the shenanigans you can have with friends. For me, PVP players have a huge ego for spending way too much time perfecting their builds, which wouldn’t be a problem for me, if they didn’t force me to get pulled into it with edgy quotes and outright following me through servers.


i agree with everything you said, i really love the game, but pvp just feels really off

especially the part about people spamming explosions, its all AOE, hardly any skill or aiming is involved…instant 200+ damage AOE at any moment constantly

Remove armor alt stats entirely and crank up magic base stats

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Warriors slowly becoming the throw random shit meme

alexthecat is right though, attack size is MOST DEFINITELY a crutch. Don’t know why you’re letting that get to you, though. Just have fun with it, it’s a game. If you don’t want to get good at PVP then go wild. On the other hand, someone that is very good at PVP has no trouble dealing with ultimate art users or pulsar spammers. If you die to an AOE demon it is indeed a skill issue.

lost yes but vetex has stated he is considering keeping ancient stuff to pure builds (might be differnt now or in the future but from what I’ve seen only mage could use my BELOVED EQUINOX

I disagree, but this is an opinion thread. No point arguing about it.

Everything in this game is punishable. If you played AA, or WOM, or really any vetexgame and you started spamming self/placed explosions against at the very least a half decent PVPer you’d die before you can use your next attack. These principals carry on from every game, and I say it again, everything is punishable. Even bow M1s and bullets (well, they’re not punishable in the hands of an NPC, but if you’re fighting a player it’s different).

So, the next time someone starts spamming self explosions like a mad man, follow up with your own punish attack. If you want to do it the traditional WOM way, I’d say use a 20% 4x blast and that’ll even it out a bit. I prefer using a blast-staff combo or using a javelin and following up with that.

As for those that spam placed explosions, use GRABS to get closer. If you play mage, then just use dodge reflex. This is going off of you saying you dislike PVP, if you were more interested in PVP I’d say you’re doing it wrong and you should be taking all those freebee placed explosions the enemy is giving you. Literally. Your blast deals two times as much damage as a placed explosion. If you’re using a musket, I’M TELLING YOU, it’s the free-est damage you’ll ever get. I’ve won close battles because someone didn’t know exactly how low I was because of a placed explosion.

That’s what I said tho

oh fr? mb bro

Warrior is quite literally a worse conjurer or warlord, all three classes have access to pretty much the same weapons(with warlord having lance of loyalty) but unlike the other two warrior doesn’t have magic or fs as a second option

The only unique move warrior has is crushing judgement


you are so wrong :skull: that just is incorrect in general

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dont the triasta and sunken staff have unique movesets
probably a few other weapons too

i admit im not good at pvp, and i get what you mean, but for an average casual like me its near impossible to predict those instant explosions they spawn on you.

ive pvped with my friend in the past, who is a mage main. although i’ve gotten them low and close to death, i nearly always lose. the constant barrage of explosions pretty much forces me to hold the G key and then risk getting grabbed all the time. i cant even really dash or dodge away because their AOE is just that big, ill get hit anyway, and the explosions cover my entire screen, almost blinding me entirely, as well as killing my frames

i then pvped the same friend who went on their beserker file, and my god, beserkers (and warlocks for that matter) are twice as bad as mage. on top of having ridiculous damage and AOE, they also have insane health (more with focus), its like they have good stats in every category, i couldnt do anything as a warrior, i got melted instantly.

then my friend went warrior, so it was weapon v weapon, and it was actually the most fun ive had pvping in this game. i could actually see what was happening, explosions didnt cover my entire screen, aoe was still kinda big but fair. granted, i am biased because im a warrior, i knew their moveset and skills, so i had knowledge as to what a warrior is thinking during pvp, but my point stands.
aoe (at least for me) makes pvp unfun, its really that simple. why bother learning how to aim musket shots and other pinpoint attacks when you can go beserker/mage, press one button, and nuke the entire arena?

i get it, experienced pvpers would easily counter it, but for the average player, its really not that simple.
one thing id wish though, is if elysium, or some other pvp-no consequence world was available to the public, so average players could practice without the risk of losing coins/renown

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Yes but other weapon classes have access to them as well, warrior does have triasta but its currently shit, it’s getting buffed next update so it remains to be seen

In AR there’s a category called “t rules” which is magic weapons only, armorless pvp.
Should be done more often in ao imo