Put your spiciest PVP opinions here

I think you mean “Ancient Greek” PVP.

(Cropped to keep it forum-postable.)

There is a certain group of the community that is genuinely good enough to run up to a minmaxed metamancer like what you’re describing here and kill them at level 50 lol.

Though, that doesn’t make the situation any better for… anybody else.

Oh yeah, I’m sure there are people that are ACTUALLY good, I don’t deny that. I’m just saying that it’s very limited, making the PVP unbalanced for, you know, literally anybody else.

Like I assume they can aim as well as they can, hit a lot of their abilities, and parry consistently, that doesn’t fix the issues with the PVP itself though, just that some people found a way around it.

Not that that wouldn’t be helpful, but I honestly hope its something else cause thats just kinda a more convenient way to use abilities we already have which is kinda boring. Definitely wouldn’t be as boring as the first warrior awakening though

you aren’t supposed to “predict” a placed explosion…

everything is punishable. I’m not even kidding when I say they’re pretty much just throwing out freebies playing like that. Stop being intimidated and just keep pressing forward.

Use grabs for repositioning.

we love beserker! but as a warrior you can bridge the gap reasonably, i’ve met 2000 hp 80 power warriors before

the only reason a lot of us PVP players in AO deny AOE is because we want to improve skill, and using AOE is the opposite of that. When AO released, I played triple-teleport warrior. Triasta, Scims, and Kai Sabre. I had pretty decent aim before AO, but after I quit warrior I found I was actually just trash at the game without those weapons. It really hit me how crutched I was when they nerfed tri-teleport. So, I was forced to improve, and I began to enjoy improving. It’s like being fat and deciding to work out, you know?

you aren’t really an average player imo if you can’t read an obvious pattern of “dash to enemy, press self explosion, t-jump, press placed explosion”

Try to stay as close as possible. Use quick weapons like katana or staff, and try using atleast one gun or one “free damage” wep in your kit. A few notable examples being:

Dual Swords


Since you’re a casual and I don’t know if you’re too interested in really getting good, I recommend Triasta, Rapier, Staff/Musket. The enchants don’t matter, but these weapons can easily close distance and punish from far away. Two tips before I get too deep into typing:

  1. Do not anticipate/Do not turtle
    Anticipation leads to fear, and fear leads to holding the G key. Stop. Never, EVER hold G in anticipation, all you’re doing is leaving yourself open. Blocking not only has endlag, but it also slows you down. The enemy will gladly pack in as much damage as they can while you’re busy playing turtle. Turtling in AO is like going to a Mcdonalds and asking for ice cream, it just doesn’t work and it never will. All you’re doing is wasting your time. If you wanted ice cream you should have gone to DQ. And by the way, while you’re busy blocking you’re also letting go a vast amount of chances to get your own damage in. That may seem obvious, but you should try to remember that before you hold G.

Instead, press G when you KNOW an attack will hit. Doing it this way can actually help you improve with reaction speed. So, I guess you should “be reactive, not proactive”? Kind of sounds wrong though- but you get the idea.

  1. Stop spamming
    I know most people hear the word “spamming” and think of those annoying 5 year old kids that say you’re a spammer whenever you beat them at anything. No, this is me asking you to stop the actually game-meaning of spamming. Stop “mashing a bunch of buttons and thinking you’ll win”. Everything is punishable in Arcane Odyssey, and if you just spam your attacks the enemy will very gladly take advantage of your openings that pretty much have these big neon-light signs saying “hit me!”
    Instead, you should be the punisher. Wait for the enemy to attack first, try playing more defensive as a casual before you choose a different playstyle. A lot of the flashy PVP videos you see on YT are by people that are experienced and have already chosen a playstyle that suits them, so you shouldn’t try to copy them at this point.
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this is me trying to be more general since I’ve never met you in game, but I can probably actually play arcane odyssey on saturday or next week, if you want accurate tips

Couldn’t care less about pvp.

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i appreciate the advice

my best fights against my mage friend, it was being very aggressive, but i ran out of hp.
now that i think about it, it may be a build issue
i know my build isnt great (i made it a while ago)
57 power
98 attack size
700 def
174 attack speed
36 agility

in my new build i plan to completely cull attack size to 0 and go full on atk speed and agility, as well as 80+ power

do you think thats better?

also, my typical loadout for pvp:
ardent kai saber
strong sunken sword
dense greataxe

i wouldnt say im a spammer, i do not mash buttons mindlessly, but instead im very passive, when i go all out on the enemy i often run out of stamina completely, the turtling part applies more to me


this build is good enough, warrior doesn’t need a “ton” of power so it works

I wouldn’t use an ardent saber as a casual, but I’ve never actually used ardent so I wouldn’t know.

no. if you go atkspd and agility im disowning you :innocent:

this is a big problem. First, ALWAYS AMKE SURE YOU’RE DECENTLY HIGH ON HUNGER BEFORE A FIGHT! You need atleast 25 hunger to get normal stamina regen. Next, when you have low stamina, use GRABS to close range. Your Sunken Sword should do the trick. Try aiming your grabs more upwards towards your enemy instead of straight forward to regen more stamina.
Pay attention to your stamina. Don’t go all “ooga booga” and chase your enemy- in fact, DON’T chase unless you’re actually catching up. Try your very best not to spam T-Jumps. I main conjuror so I don’t have this problem, but the best I can say is try using your TP dash as a T jump instead.

Get close, use your TP-Dash(katana) to gain positio and deal damage. Rising tide can do the same thing.

Oh, and I’m saying this because I feel it’s very common, but don’t do Rising Tide+Flying Phoenix… please, don’t. It is such a snooze fest to punish. Use Flying Phoenix as a punish move instead of an extender.

honestly I don’t see the appeal of ardent if you’re already going heavy into attack speed

you’re just making your already-near-instant abilities slightly more instant at the cost of damage.

wrong(?) iirc ardent only decreases attack size not dmg

I thought ardent reduced damage and dense reduced attack speed.

regardless its still a very nothing enchant.

but if ardent does decrease damage, I’d say it’s wasted on a sabre. If Ardent decreases damage, slap it on Dual Swords(scimitars of storm), WAY better as a free damage option and combine that with warriors high damage output and dual swords better damage multiplier, it won’t be so much worse than an unenchanted katana in terms of dmg

at that point I’d put tempered on it for bonus damage - AoE if you already view it as free damage.

you’d be so surprised and so depressed. I met this one dude running 350 attack speed thermo warlord, with an ardent staff. Yep, that was fun, indeed it definitely was.

Never again. Not as bad as a 200 atkspd 200 agility mage though.

wrong for a few reasons that i’ll list after I send this message so I get your attention

first of all, you have to understand that dual swords are slower than single swords/katana. Dealing more impact damage but risking getting punished- damage that can equalize or just make using that weapon risky, is just not worth it. Tempered belongs on GUNS in my opinion, because guns are already stapled as the “punisher” weapon.

Dual swords deals more damage than katanas, a decent bit more. Attack speed has gotten nerfed a ton with 160~ ish attack speed being the new norm(it used to be 60~), so it’s better to have a faster weapon instead of just more damage but now you’re slow. Being slow in this combat system is pretty much death, because even if you’re dealing 300 impact damage they’re dealing 200+200 damage in punishment attacks.
This isn’t me talking out of my behind, I’ve experienced this first hand in my 2000 player kills. Met an earth mage that only new how to use a shockwave explosion, it did around 280 damage. The other dude was a savant. Every time the earth mage used a shockwave explosion, the savant packed in a staff piercing gale and a magic blast, dealing more damage overall than the earth mage.

And I think I already said this before, but I’ll say it again, Dual Swords are generally slow without enchants or atkspd gear, so enchants like swift or ardent are just more valuable.

took longer than it should have

im still changing the build to full atk speed defense agility i feel like 57 power does no damage :sob:

i use ardent on saber so the projectile is even faster, is there a difference? idk probably

its not that im low on stamina cuz of hunger, i forgot to mention its mainly cuz im dodging (or trying to dodge) attacks, a bad habit i learned probably from fighting my aoe mage friend long ago, ptsd from aoe

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don’t stop dodging attacks, just try to know when the attack is over

another tip is to try to dodge closer to the enemy. When you’re close, you attack, and while you attack you regain stamina. you could already be doing this, though

oh, and dont play too passive using those weapons, you’ll be shooting yourself in the foot.