Put your spiciest PVP opinions here

guess I’ll try it out. Thanks!

also, PROJECTILE DELETING SKILLS SHOULDN’T EXIST. Huge walls of AOE that delete all projectiles in an aim based(mostly) game is like adding an FPS sniper rifle to Anime Battle Arena. Why?


Quick question, what stat allocations are you running? Someone on the discord server said to do like 80 magic, 120 strength, and 50 weapons so I could use shot and be able to have sailor fist, but that leaves me with no beam. And I’m not so sure bout that.

i WAS 110 strength 90 magic 50 weapons but i accidentally interchanged into something worse
as a fighting savant, do either 110 strength 90 magic (beam) or 120 strength 80 magic (shot)

depends on which one you want more

hmm, ok! I’ll need to find an interchange party or something, but maybe if I get tired of shot I’ll try out beams instead

the fact that dodging gives a better outcome than blocking/parrying…

I agree, I played against this one guy and it was impossible to win because bro can parry instant moves like shining cycle :skull:

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Warlock > Warlord or Berserker

until you’re not in your home region and you get hit by an attack after dodging away


So true. Ping diff is so weird in AO

Cannon fist is a decent primary fighting style.

Man’s cooking with fire here

Quick follow up question, should i be using my fighting styles as my main source of damage, or should i just use moves like crash and rushdown for utility and rely on weapons and magic?

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if it hits your opponent and does damage, use it as fast as possible

So just use everything when i can?

it sounds complicated, but use everything to its fullest potential

It’s literally the only type of PvP i actually think of as fun.

Boat pvp I havent tried it out much

respectfully, i hate you
ur right tho

whale blubber now thats what i want after a tough battle with a leaderboard player some fat from a fish