PvP Clips Megathread

Yeah, with conjuror it has a really huge AOE
even with warrior it does

Wth it looks so small

Like a slower traveling beam/shot

yo anyone here got some juicy savant or cannon fist clips for me to watch?

I gotta study up

work on ur aim a bit, but i do see that ur hitting some good shots and thats a W
use blocking a bit more, especially if you get grabbed since you dont have a fast move to both deal AND avoid punishing damage (such as using mirrored river straight into the air)

finally got a postworthy clip
i would appreciate criticism (i do know my shot aim is ass and im working on that)


Is that 120m/130s?


still waiting for those conj fixes vetex


crazy ass flick i hit there right after snare
@DubiousLittleTyp0 this counts as savant gameplay ig

35 posts were split to a new topic: Savant Gaming

did u win?

sadly no but that flick was too good to not clip :sob:

Here’s my savant clip, I gotta hop back on it after discovering shockwave and after fs buffs

6 things to swap between in my hotbar

oh haha ur the guy that got smited by @charon lol

Yeah I think ur build is pretty neat, It’s not a very long clip so I can’t say much about it but it’s pretty funny

One shots houses

God of Earth

more clips to come

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What is that 344 crash and 355 smash damage :skull: are those 20% sized?
Grab is insane in the last clip

yea both on 20%, and my shot is 20/40

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hoping streamable embeds