PvP Clips Megathread

(burning balls like the sun)

I mean yea it’s probably fine but why go savant, just go lock

I know i’m bumping this again but I want more people to see this


why. not.

why must I constantly be questioned for wanting to be the epitome of versatility?

this is the only savant pvp video i got, ik its super scuffed because my ass is not used to it (i also got 1-5’d by aduxite on this file too just to say im not good on this)

@Borg yo he’s using glass, go say hi

Yo guys, can I upload all these PVP clips onto my YT?(ofc I’ll credit everyone)

Sure thing you can put mine up

Also, noober can you watch my clip up there and tell me what I did wrong there?

I’m looking really to get better honestly.

guh so scuffed lol

then again ur build is kinda weird, wind and glass? no mirrored river or claws?

Can’t even PvP since my build got broken by the update. Stun isn’t 1 second. Resistance aura doesn’t work the way it’s supposed to. Bleed synergy doesn’t apply.

What’s the armor set up?

bruh the video expired

Can you post more thermo warlord clips?

Idk if I have more but if I do it’ll be a few hours before I can try and find them

Oh, I couldn’t watch it on my end, but since you reposted now I can.

You know I feel like I could never use the staff correctly or effectively

If you saw my clip up I posted yesterday you’ll get that my aim is absolutely ludicrous.

wth staff is literally one of the easiest weapons to use

I mean if I can’t hit those snow blasts imagine me hitting a piercing Gale

its literally a faster and higher damage bigger AOE skill…

Wait bigger than the wind blasts I was using?