PvP Clips Megathread

this is gonna be real funny to fight as a prelude to the othyrs tourney

This is where the training montage kicks in and we see Warm gain his lightspeed powers


@pristine signs of improvement? been playing on a uk server which is currently killing me :face_holding_back_tears:

good shit noober, get comfy w 50% then try dropping it to 40% :pray:

i’m guessing that if you wanted to try that with blasts or beams it’d be the same process, right?

blasts yea, beams might be a bit diff ? I don’t really play magic at all so I wouldn’t know

Considering how bad my aim is I wouldn’t even consider myself used to 100% blasts

Like looking at the 20 ultimate art in the second battle vs bio I somehow missed that

I might make a knight file if my sailor shadow warlock isn’t as fun as I think it will be, weapons are fun to use afterall (musket hitscan :new_moon_with_face:)

Got some more fights against warm and bio.

And my cursor is visible too!

We did most of them armorless but this one we did with armor

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this is what real ao pvp is idk what all these other clips are talking ab

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dear god my desyncs were awful there I feel horrible for you

I forgot to say but now that my cursor is visible feel free to attack me for my aiming ability and just be sure to scold me in general

(Looking at pristine and noober here)

i literally cannot aim today i may get scolded if i post something from today too :tiptop:

Eh i’m mostly here just to try and get advice or help so i can do better in future fights

I won’t care about the clips

somewhat unrelated to the thread but gfg we are farming out, day one clips for Great War just got counted

Shadows winning

then there’s eclipse

also uhhh (be)rate me?

they really got dogged on :skull:
ive fought a few of them and most of the time they were pretty mid/bad

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snow and wind is a cool magic combo

and no it’s not meta since there’s a debuff in damage from frozen

did you mean to reply to me because i use that