PvP Clips Megathread

paladin will be my one true love , just on a thermo kick till spirit weps drop


one is enough
what the hell is wrong with you


Wait it’s all warlocks?

Always has been.

lets play spot the exploiter

also something that i found really funny

my first one here

this man is like some broken mirror match, even down to the fighting styles (thermo cannon vs sailor cannon) and even some of the attack names

one of my issues I can see is that I get a bit impatient at the end of fights, which tends to be when I get hit which due to being a twig is when I die

First fights with the new build!
This is the same opponent that WarmWater was facing, but i think this build will be really fun if i can learn my whole kit.
Look at how fast those wind attacks are going!

Also critique me. I’m always open for it.

damn whats your build

I finished it yesterday

now you know what i meant by the REAL mage meta

uhm ackchually itsh nowt thhe mehta bhechause ah mehta ihs something thhat ihs ofhten uhsed!!!

but like yeah mage can be pretty amazing if you can actually aim as lettuce demonstrates


I cant aim

you did actually quite well in that fight

some more practice and you’ll be amazing

Hey thanks

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the speed makes the aiming part easier in a way that feels less shitty than size does

light conj shenanigans

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ignore the cheerful ahh music and why we’re unconventionally fighting a gunslinger duel but HOW TF DID I HIT THAT FLINTLOCK SHOT

yknow what fuck it more musket and dual flintlock clips before i go to bed

and then I get my ass kicked 10 times

From quite a while ago

ngl your build is cancerous as hell bruh

Do you feel swift actually making a difference on your weapons???