PvP Clips Megathread

Ye with swift it feels like my gun reloads 50% faster

bros in latom??

latom :pray: :pray:

i was in that in wom for like 5 days

Meta = most effective tactic available

I don’t know if I’m bad or if it’s the attack delay and desync messing me up. In the first video, I died to a blast that I thought for sure was going to miss me based on the visuals. In the second video, his blast killed me before it even fired. And I keep getting hit by far-away explosions.

ok changed my mind plasma thermo sucks because i cant m1 to build heat without losing 40 fps

just don’t m1 then like god it’s not hard

literally every ability you do builds up heat and m1 doesnt even give that much :skull: :skull: :skull:

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Me vs specter

Does my aim look any better?

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Against derp on his main, an explosion mage

you know if i can beat a nerfed pulsar mage and full size drill on the biggest size and the best speed for that size I feel like I would do really well in testament of othyrs (Tournament)
Still I think @Noober would use corrina’s body as a broom and sweep the floor with her

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nah i cant bc my ability to aim changes day-to-day
i could be 30% keeperofoath one day and be an npc the next day

On average i think you’re far better than me though

I’d still get stomped

anyone warlock wana 1v1 me im the warlock specialist

bum ahh hand coordination today too

Nice clip drip
regular grab moment

reposting this here because honestly theres a cool segment where we both use rapid fire at the same time

music make me sad :frcryin:

am i the only one that cant pvp beacuse ppl teleporting in my screen

it happens but its also incredibly stupid how much free hits u can get off of it; ill show two clips of two diff povs in a min