PvP Clips Megathread

hey would a sailor warlord have working synergies or does the weapon synergy bug exist for both magic and fighting styles
don’t feel like making a separate topic so i figured that here would be an alright place to ask

sailors warlord works, bleed synergies are only bugged for clearing ones

heres a few clips from today, pls tell me how to get better

note that i do feel like i have a low fever so i probably did worse than normal but its my first time using this build

noobers snare failed (end of the line, DUNK!)

killed explo somehow


well i’ll keep that in mind for if i eventually make a warlord
really want to make someone with water MAGIC for some reason though, and i’m considering trying to make a good looking water wizard outfit too (without the actual wizard robes, they erase shoulders and that looks BAD), but that’d only work if i made a THIRD mage

that is too many mages

I’m guessing those last ones could be your battles for testament of othyrs?

These were done during the morning so I played kinda sloppy but uh

And this is me almost killing my friends sand warlock file

Props to you, I could never play a savant competitively with all the hotkeys you’d have to manage

its actually not that hard tbh with my set its basically like a conjurer setup but with melee as an addition for mobility and downward smash for a ton of dmg (i have wind as my second magic but its useless rn so its not part of the group)

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the only 2 reasons I use my second magic is

  1. to blast pressure, it does 30 more damage than my fire blast on average so if im up close it can shred pretty easily
  2. boatless travel. magma lol

Really cool plasma-sailor style build, i like it

Also i have a funny build idea, High intensity warlock but should I run poison magic or acid magic?

nah i dont think i clipped my match but i shredded them lmao

what the fuck 242 damage what is you build

mans got asmr playing in the background

just had my first pvp trial runs with my 5th file, its a bit iffy but it at least feels nice to use

thank you @Misinput for the song


Some randoms really tried to fight you and the bros didn’t they

Would you recommend gstaff/musket over silent blades

for mobility silent blade is more preferable, but personally i like musket bc of the possibility of me being able to hit a flick and abuse endlag with it. gstaff is also goated & have that as another weapon for my arsenal

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