PvP Clips Megathread

oh damn, people use x-slash
on fire, too

also i thought you were a conjurer when i saw the trident but then i realized you’re using it for bleeding
wtf i wouldn’t have thought of that
looked a little closer, it’s javelin


Explosive barrel funnies are always nice, whether intended or otherwise.

No way he was max level and lost to you

this the type of shit we love to see

Rushdown to Cfist M1 spam is a very funny combo

(Forums wouldn’t let me upload my clips WHY)

okay why does that genuinely look pretty fun to pull off

It’s so satisfying to finally land that perfect grab after chasing around a mage, knowing you’re about to drop 600 damage on their head.

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i bet so.
Mfs can’t stop running.
agility mages sound like the worst.

I fucking slept on Cannon Fist, damn.

You could say their defenses timbered from that attack.

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Mages get what they freaking deserve for playing so horribly. That one had poison which is like the worst magic in the game :skull:

personally? i would’ve forgotten i had surge on my first magic and kept trying to snare with it
also would’ve just let myself stay close while getting combod probably

poor clannie did NOT know what was coming to

was gonna say “damn whatd he do” and then i saw gale surge

that being said here’s this mage match i probably would’ve lost if flower’s q key worked

and here’s a conjurer match from the day before where i actually play a lot better with blasts and flying slashes and etc, idk why i do so much better here than my magma mage with a spear shape, but eh i’ll adjust to him eventually

do you got any tips? ik you’ve played with me before so i think you can give me a pointer here @pristine

Stalked this thread long enough ig.

How about 2-3 clips of a fight into one, with my video editing and formatting shenanigans. With some new editing choices.

100 Vit 150 Wep Knight if ur curious. Probably gonna swap to 120 Vit and 130 Wep.