PvP Clips Megathread

hey would a discount DBZ plasma thermo warlock be ass or would it be ok

plasma thermo is fine , just know thermo is fucky rn cause grace period changes were implemented wrong

if you instead want to do nothing at all and win go sailor’s lol

if intensity still adds to DoT time i might have a mischievous build on my hands

idk if i’d want to go defense (argos) or power (idk) though, power feels more in line with a DBZ-type thing but i’m not the best at staying alive

also, my friend happened to make a sailors-cannon berserker as his first build he called the mad sailor

are you telling me that he’s God now?



aw hell nah 404

should’ve parried ngl :sunglasses:

Finally got a clip of myself vs my friend, on his berserker file


your blast aim needs some work, you beam too much, and you should never turn your cam away from your opponent (outside of using certain movement abilities such as crash or spiraling fury)

my friend said my aim needed some hard work done on it, I agree.

I was only using snow beam so i could try to freeze him.

don’t freeze with beam, you want it the other way around. freeze with a wind blast so that way when they’re frozen you can beam immediately as a follow-up. if you freeze with a beam, you’re not getting any value out of it since they can just move out of the way of the incoming blast by the time they break out

i tried snowing them with a beam, then i wanted to blast them. snow is really slow though and it messes with my speed due to the endlag.

Come on, i want more scolding!

hop off mage

for some reason i feel like i can play mage the best out of all my files?

  • I suck at warlock, I’m so slow with it.
  • can’t aim shot at all, i have to use at least 80% to hit them, so probably no warlord if i can’t even hit hitscan? same goes for musket’s piercing shot, i charge it to aim and still miss.
  • didn’t like warrior that much.

I feel like with the nerfs it’s not going to be abhorred as much?

still, mage was nerfed though not as much

I don’t see any pulsar complaints now

I’m good with every class, ngl.

-warriors are fun to experiment with

-I have decent aim with warlock

-conjurer is just warrior with magic

-mage is mage

I have high hopes for my C-fist explosion savant eee

how do you combo people so easily???

(and can a cannon fist explosion savant do the same??? :pleading_face:)

cfist explosion a lil slow but ig you could as long as you have rushdown or a weapon grab of some kind, cannon fist grab is real nasty since it doesn’t take you with them, giving you way more options for a follow up

I combo people well cause I like grabs ig, they’re probably my favorite part of combat in this game hence why I’m maining Karate whenever it drops (likely nimbus). sucks cause grabs are incredibly inconsistent as it stands but oh well, they’ll probably be fixed one day

actually is fire C-fist good?