Pvp is more skill dependant than before

Any atk speed player can use a 20% Crash, Rushdown triple shockwave when he uses his nuke

Not saying to not make atk speed not viable, it must be nerfed to not be as broken and as much of a crutch

For majority of playerz aoe is very good yes but for the top 10% with more than 2k player kills atk spd is more rewarding.

they’re both crutches if im being honest

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I mean, even if “best of the best” ever decide to hunt down some random without fame like me. Then they will walk away with 30% of their health after that fight unless they catch me somewhere in bad environment.

But imagine them end up on my ship, what then? Everything depends on circumstances.

I mean if ur talking about 300+ atk spd builds then sure but those are alr being patched and everyone knows thats nt balanced but in general top pvp players are going to pick atk spd to because it takes more skill and is more rewarding.

more rewarding how?

Idk wtd ur point here but go off

Ok wts more rewarding landing self/placed explosion or musket?

Depends on where fight goes.
Depends on potions.
Depends on everything.

i get that the musket deals more damage IF you land it. the problem is you’re not going to land it as frequently compared to a bunch of explosions.

My ultimate art stomp will outdamage musket and cover Munera (only arena part).
But kinda useless to spam it, since very punishable. Pray to the gods of computers for enemy to not handle lags and clouds of dust while aimming.

Yeahhhhhh, ur still getting mogged :skull:

Look bro im just saying atk spd is only meta for sweats and if u get mad for losing to a no life who plays the game all the time thats fine but atleast understand why ur losing its cuz hes more dedicated to the game than u. Which is reasonable.

Thats exactly my point atk spd is more rewarding. If u actually land ur atks, u will out dps ur opponet. Which is reasonable

When did I say, that im losing a lot? I mean, yeah, on trainnings with actual tryhards which can be counted on fingers in the whole game sure, cuz I have issues with scrolls and have only 48 power rn instead of 90 possible.

which you wont consistently because of the dodge reflex update that turned everyone into a mosquito

only way you land the musket, is punishing endlag. aoe doesnt have to do punish anything. they can just run to you and start using their magma iron leg selino

yknow what, i didnt use to believe it before. but after reading some of the stuff on here and actually reflecting on the combat. ive come to the logical conclusion that “they” were right and the combat is actually dogshit (im still going to play the game and its pvp regardless))

There are players who can land dagger and muskit consistently…

“Maangumine” one of my favorite pvp players to watch also a NA aosl tourney winner 5k+ pks and ranked at warlord on leader board uses atk spd on thermo lord and absolutly shits on aoe builds but that kid is genuinly talented

My point stands talented atk spd users always beat aoe crutch… atk spd is for talented players, aoe is for average player and is pretty fun asw way easier to use

hear me out. both aoe and attack speed are crutches. the reason why the high attack speed builds are winning alot of the tourneys (ill take your word for it), is because elysium has a massive field that gives players lots of space to move around, so naturally the high attack speeds can keep their distance better and out range aoe.

Its hell of alot more different on smaller islands though, even on munera. Constricting the amount of space there is to move on makes it so attack speed players cant keep a safer distance and the aoe player will easily play with their booty hole because they have an easier time keeping in range.

Elysium is naturally geared towards attack speed players in that regard

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