Pvp is more skill dependant than before

a full set of sunken warrior only gives 28 extra atk speed and 40 extra armour than cernyx, hardly the end of the world

a 2k hp build isn’t even that extreme anymore due to dark sea power creep, i myself have 1.7k hp with 75 power and a ton of secondary stats

the only grind is sunken
i have a couple of other files i pvp on where i complete the build over a weekend

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four sword style with katana sword and dual swords:

they dont all go on the same spot on your hip you goober

ok but 4 > 3

blast → airdash → blast
thats literally pvp
it does take skill (you have to aim)
but it has devolved into being that simple

the skill floor for pvp should def be lowered a little imo. Fighting the average player is kinda sad, they cant aim to save their life. U can easily green 90% of the playerbase by just running circles around them

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Tbh, I think the issue is the sheer variance of attack size. With no Attack Size stat, your attacks are tiny, especially with low size magics like lightning. But with high Attack Size, your attacks are completely massive.

There’s a reason most games don’t let players change the hitboxes of their attacks this significantly. It’s nigh-impossible to balance.

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432 agility man, a tiny bit of lag and you will lose

If ur mage yeah and if u ever see berzerker fight a mage its like a competetiive game of tag

competitive tag is :fire:

Yeah its true, my theory on this is actually that alot of potential pvp heads skipped out on AO cuz of all big youtubers ignorantly saying the pvp sucks. Like one of em was trying to hunt people and was complaining how ppl keep running away, but didnt bother to ask how experienced players deal with runners, and had he asked he would’ve learned about slow gels.

Ao pvp is different forsure but i hate that they call it ass with out giving it a genuine try.

“Be near them”
Ah yes, they can just dodge reflex before your atk even finishes casting

Can legit agree about fighting the average player, so many people lost when all I used were high jumps and blast/beam (heck, I didn’t even use wasd and they still missed the entire fight). That’s like how bad players are.

“Remember, if someone is using meta to kill you, then you should become metamancer too :point_up_2:” - Shizo. A. H.

“Remember, if someone uses nuke build to kill you, then you can make nuke build too :point_up_2:” - Shizo. A. H.

“Remember, Vetex almost fully wasted his parries and blocks when he invented two air dodge reflexes :point_up_2:” - Shizo. A. H.

I am not really against dodge reflexex, cuz I have 90 agility and its not a problem for me to reach mosquito-motherliker, but this shitty option actually gives too much mobility for people, it takes ages for players to kill eachother, if they know how to dodge. Hopefully, it is nerfed in next update.

Embrace block and parry! Down with dodges!

-| (complete sentance)

nah man, this haves to be bait

anyways 1.11-1.13 pvp > 1.14 pvp

Mmm, metal pulsar tastes good, along with crystal leg and thermolord bombarding me from above(I never got to try triple dash on warrior🥲)

I’m not going to choose one update since all had major meta problems but atleast you could land a hit or two in previous updates is all I’m saying

Honestly, I doubt there will ever be a major update that doesn’t have several meta problems

Our only hope is that all the meats eventually hard counter one another and metamancers start going after each other

Then us normal players can enjoy

the metal mages meta while no skill u still could had defeated them if u knew the right time to parry

same as crystal leg, while unbalance as shit parrying still could had save u

thermo meta was also a pain, of people flying around bombing everyone that was under them and forcing u to chase them and/or be at a constant high as them, but atleast u can block and parry

and this is ignoring the non-meta builds

now we got reflexeses that makes everyone to play as a thermo while u bomb everyone under u forcing people to be at the as high as you, and everytime someone does any kind of mistake u cant punish it, every time someone puts no though in their attack u cant punish the endlag bc they reflex away, everyone that spams shit cannot be punished bc they reflex away, and god forgive u have any plan for ur attacks bc that punishable now