Rating Your Drip (really original topic)

rate drip


dsea build

It looks messy and not that good overall

theurgist and weapons other than the claws looks a bit out of place, other parts are pretty fire lowkey

idk what drip to do then lol

(explosion conjurer, must have armor to prevent limb loss from lightning)
  • crystalline purple
  • archaic green
  • superheated orange
  • sandy peach
  • blasted red
  • almost pure black
  • teal/blue
  • sunset ravenna
  • purple + green
  • green + yellow
  • stick to what you have
0 voters

(Ignore the battle damage)


good colour scheme considering my build

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Kinda mid ngl

LMAO sure

ngl i’m now thinking if i should go with orange drip for my dark sea explosion conjurer

should i look funny (arcsphere + iron helmet + eye poppers) or actually “serious” armored fighter

my main James

(kind of a bad image i cant find a better one and i dont feel like getting on AO just to take a better pic)
my sailord Nikki

and the glacid paladin im resetting when the update comes out
glass drip

I shall be right back.

You know, I think men are much more better in siren outfits, I don’t know why

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A middle schooler could replicate that

They all need a bit more color variety.
They kinda look like level 80 npcs

phylis is literally the peak of AO character design (or character design in general)
i dont think i’ve ever seen a character with such drip, keep on cooking.


Arlecchino looking ahhh