Rating Your Drip (really original topic)

fellow shadow warlock :grinning:
I have to ask about that clan you’re in tho

the only one i like is the last one because of the old fashioned hair🤌

which one is the last did you go from bottom right to left or bottom left to right

The regal outfit with the bored facial expression gives it good personality

LEANDRA NORDIN (complete sentence)

  1. What do you even want me to say about a black kai.
  2. i hate the hair comboed with the hat so much.
  3. You can enable the vanity options in the inventory if you didnt know.
  4. As i said above.
  5. Looks like Dj khaled with a scar.
  6. This is the only good one oml :sob:
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You act like he is gonna reply to you

god i hate the tanning feature


Rate mine

(Ignore the shit quality)

I interchanged it to basic beserker, as I felt it fit the OC better
I now have a wind boxing warlock instead

Also, I was forced into that clan by a friend (please help)

show your friend the way

Can’t, they’ve grown too powerful over the years

THANK YOU :pray::pray:
That’s what I was going for


dmitri is the mafia capo

That’s uncalled-for

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what time is it?!
drip o’clock (dies of cringe)
I have 6 files but the other 2 aren’t the right level to get cool drip

I’m not him but personally Remus and Darius are the best

What is that goofy ahh 90s anime spike in his hair.
Second one its ok but idk kinda plain