Recommendations for Magics

I just see it as forcing clashes since every playstyle can capitalize on opponents with no options

Iā€™m gonna be honest but I never really believed in the magic clash meta.

like dodging and shielding exists, which, although lowers stamina, is still something to heavily consider.

idk man like why would I waste a precious water blast to counter magma martinā€™s volcanic missile when I can just move away from it with the click on a keybind

It isnā€™t about beating the blast but hitting the person behind the blast, if I freeze somebody that has no magic jump ready then all they can do is either use an attack (clash against it to damage them because of endlag), shield (you still do damage), or they just get hit by doing nothing

what if they dodge tho

While frozen?

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its hard to dodge when stun locked

no I mean like you are trying to freeze them but the-

nevermind, I think I misunderstood something.

Colonel Sanders magic, where you throw subpar fried chicken at your enemies to inflict the obese and sodium overload debuffs.

What if they have magma

use it on a suncry member and they explode instantly (they are already naturally obese)

It is ineffective as they have built a tolerance through a diet consisting of Burger King and Long John Silvers.

Another example of Magma winning in life

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so true brother

would :ice_magic_var1: / :water_magic_var3: be better compared to :lightning_magic_var2: / :water_magic_var3: ? lightning is powerful but it has lackluster damage compared to water, and freeze might be much more obnoxious.

I might go :ice_magic_var1: / :water_magic_var3: tbh, but I wanna hear your takes on the matter

if you can inflict soaked the extra damage from lightning is really good.
Iā€™m not sure about ice and water damage bonuses, but in clan wars the ability to stunlock enemies is incredibly powerful.

water gets a 20 or 25 percent damage boost from freezing effect, and doesnā€™t freeze, which is automatically stronger than lightning since lightning only deals 0.85x damage mod while water is 0.95x

well than go with water and ice.

i mean lightning is faster though, and increases AoE of attacks from weapons and fighting styles (I think) so Iā€™m not entirely sureā€¦

you decide

I canā€™t tho (serious)

I need the super god wisdom from dragon (sarcasm)