Recommendations for Magics

I say go with lightning and water. It’ll be easier to land hits because of the faster magic

alright, I think I will then maybe

I should probably consider what ice might look like tho…

for now, lightning stays

hey div quick question but does lightning increase the AoE of fighting styles as well?

If you’re talking about when Vet said lightning-infused sunken sword would increase the aoe of its attacks, then yeah I’d assume it would work the same for lightning-infused sailor’s fist

We don’t have much information about that as of rn though

oh okay

so would ice/water be better in this situation?

Not really sure what the context is, what situation?

water is the magic I know is right for me, but as for a second? having a debate between lightning and ice.

(this is for a warlock build)

lightning is fast, might do some stuff with move AoE, but it’s lackluster in damage, sure it gets a soaked boost but water has a boost from freeze that’s automatically stronger

ice is kinda sluggish, very meh in a lot of things, but freeze is pretty dangerous coupled with the fact that water benefits heavily from the effect it leaves.

so I have no idea who to pick as my secondary for water magic as a warlock

Guess it kinda depends on which fighting style you wanna go with as well as the kind of playstyle you want to have


If you want freeze go ice/snow metal conjurer ith a sunken sword

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but wanna use watur

Then go mage


warlocks winning

no synergy :sleepy:

I’m using a warlock build on my water file so I can’t use 3 magics :sleepy:

already using lightning as my secondary

:water_magic_var3: :lightning_magic_var3:

gonna rock that too

or boxing for rushdown

Vega’s going to go explosion magic and thermo fist

what would be more beneficial to me as a second magic if I am an ice conjurer?

:ice_magic_var1: :crystal_magic_var1:

:ice_magic_var1: :glass_magic:

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crystal has a stronger interaction with ice though you wont be able to use it as often so glass might be better for overall damage

crystal gets a bigger buff from bleed which you can give with your weapons since youre a conjurer

if ur using sunken sword a lot id say crystal because of the buff when someones frozen