Red's dusty aah attic with the worst [oof]ing art youll ever see in this hellscape (tis a doodle thread y'see)

im just as confused as you guys too

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Arsen thinks he’s HIM


JOHN TRIGUNcompletesentence

deckhands :fire: shoutout to them for allowing me to come up with goofy screw shenanigans and somewhat ease my mental breakdown



Screenshot 2023-10-09 162241

Yup, that’s everyone favorite quartermaster y’all.
(But the way you drew him look so funny, please draw him like that again).

actually random ahh rant i wanna share there

but to the forums: you guys suck, get a life, stop stalking the art forums to find an artist to bully or say bs stuff

have a (not at all) nice day yall

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well I hope you have a good day.

i (tried to) soulsborne’d my warlord’d rival

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fixed this a bit, with the pongorma flair


blud not in dark souls

Yeah I gave up halfway and just settled in whatever design catches my eye because at the end of the day a lot of helmets sucks and I wish the knight helmets look different

Sleep deprived and for some reason I feel like dumping lore on Solomon

Who the [I forgot swearing is not allowed] is Solomon? Solomon is actually Solomon Keos and he’s my warlord’s twin brother

He uh

He died. My warlord killed him.

Blud tried to kill child calvus after king Caesar died to prevent winterveil extermination 2 but was caught and tried to escape

Then king Caesar’s bruther aka calvus’ uncle ordered warlord file to kill his own brother to give his family one last chance of redemption as well as a messed up punishment for Solomon

He attempted to escape from warlord file and brought his family alongside him. But in the end he died, his wife died too, his son survived but now has chronic pain from where he was hit and stabbed

Have a bnuy as an apology for oc stuff

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i return from the grave to bring you
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remember this?

heres my goofy ahh doodle showing exactly that (ft my conjurer since hes also a descendant of pk)


pretty wacky, the protag of the second game is your ancestor.
not exactly too weird for john odyssey, but probably confusing for john onlinefighter with his early 2010’s roblox quirkiness and john adventure and his mid 2010’s roblox quirkiness.



(note i have zero clue what 2009 to 2013 roblox was like, my og acc which i shared with my lil bro was from 2015 :frpensive:)


aa character getting all the women while ao character gets 0

doodles of my warlord from like 4 or 5 in the morning yes (i broke my sleeping schedule harharhar harhar har har har har har)


Fredrick Fazlington the 3rd’s Crumpets and Tea
