Reminders for AO (Part 4)

Vetex accidentally misfired a blast at the 7th island

It’s because one of the wilderness islands just got added so now there is only 6 left



Let’s go mini bosses getting added and stuff

also this was added to npc drops

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NPC’s and bosses regenerate like Carina, she has 2x regen now

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looks as though I was wrong, he’s gonna go and do it.


actual stocksounds proper rfao reply moment

jokes aside this is cool, hoping for placeable guards


Lightning conj imbue visual buff??

@opticalcord is eating with this one

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Evander is officially done

  • Tier 4+ defensive structures with the building tool being indestructible to anything except ship siege weapons is now functional.

Infamy use
everyone scared


Just in case you are too lazy to do math:

New clan (0% discount)
Rookie Clan (5%)
Average (10%)
Strong (15%)
Superior (20%)
Powerful (25%)
Supreme (30%)
Legendary (35%)

So assuming a t5 wall costs 250,000, that means having even an average clan drops it by a whoppping 25k down to 225,000.

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This surely won’t further increase the massive gap between strong and weak clans that other changes within this update will provide to capturing islands.

By the way, who’s funding powerful clans for them to have discounts, and why do they not ask for portion of the profits in return?

this reminds me when every 10 infamy used to add 1 second to steal timer, so clans like Sucnry or Crsimson Crescent took like 15+ min to steal islands from

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