Remove agility please

so as an example a high agl poison conj jumps a medium agl light mage. the poison conj starts running away and the light mage turns to pursue activating the cone check and giving him a percentage of the agility HE runs as a bonus + 25 (number needs tweaks)or smth like that. as he gets closer the percentage falls off and the poison conj is forced into pvp again

I’m trying to say that something about agility should be done to combat gankers suffering no consequences from a fight they’re losing. I made a poll so I can better come up with a solution that doesn’t hurt pvers but addresses this number 1 issue with agility

the other stats in question. Anyways sorry if i wasn’t clear but what i meant was a full build with no attack speed can kill builds with attack speed (see size,resistance,main stat focused builds, etc).

And no one says they don’t struggle from the unfortunate consequences of not running agility in world pvp, I’m trying to say that build diversity will be harmed if everyone just took your advice

im fine with the people being hunted running with their own designated builds, what im not fine with is the gankers who started the fight to begin with from running

see my proposed rework

I mean this isn’t a half bad idea but an issue i got with this is that it may not be enough to cover the speed gap between zero agility players and 225+ agility players (tbf this is also an issue the bteam conecheck plan has).

should probably be a static boost in speed or else it’s still favours people who chose to run agility. Im thinking maybe it could be a percentage of how much speed the person running has, the percentage increases the longer the chase goes (easily checked by seeing how recently the cone check has been activated) on until the player is moving significantly faster than the runner

proposal: remove agility and add an all-class ability that gives movement speed but breaks in combat

proposal: remove agility and buff base movespeed (how many times am i gonna say this)

depends fully on what the replacement stat is gonna be

I just use it with calvus because it’s the closest thing to power/size gear I have access to

understandable, we can only hope for power size gear one day :frpensive:

well depends, people that run anything, like, it just doesnt matter how much of a stat savant they are, they will run it, sure, but even the casual players want a good build, and objectively the best build rn is high power, high defense and size, there is no build diversity bc most people (pvphead and casuals) want to run a good build and usually that results in close results to that type, u can go out of ur way to run smt that has a personality but ur just the exception

also man do i hate this change, its just a straight up nerf to atk speed for no reason, vetex himself confirmed that these arent mobility moves, so why make them scale with a mobility stat, isnt enough that 207 atk speed just makes u to atk 24% faster bteam :sob: and why does size have way better scalling than a stat that forces u to ain

This is the point, if you have higher agility you should be faster. This lets your opponent get close enough to land attacks so they can still pressure the runner

no one is disagreeing
the problem comes with the consequence of people being straight up faster in a world pvp setting

I digress, I see plenty of people asking for build suggestions, showing ones which are different from the build you demonstrated. Of course I don’t have insight into every build of every player so maybe I could just be seeing the tip of the iceberg, not sure

Imo I think this change makes sense, Agility focuses on position your player so obviously I could see why the mobility stat affects mobility based moves which puts your player in advantageous positions

The runner with agility would still be outpacing you though so they’ll lose you eventually, especially if you throw in projectile attacks with their own startup and endlag

yeah so what my proposal does is it evens the playing field to an extent

not to the extent that you’ll be able to catch someone with 400 agility but to a high enough extent that if the diff is max like 120 you should be able to catch up

A bit off topic but for a somewhat controversial pvp thread im surprised no one broke down into rage yet

ah, but then you’ll get farther away which increases the % agility you’ll gain

im fairly civilized and understand where y’all are coming from

honestly after some very intense thinking i came to this conclusion

you hate agility bc gankers use it

i hate agility bc its agility, idc the game, ima have beef with it

lmao based in a way
i can respect that