Rename vitality to 'spirit', among other changes

Rename vitality to 'spirit', among other changes
effort 3.0 2 quality 2.5 2 reasonability 2.666666666666667 3


rename vitality to ‘spirit’ or ‘willpower’ along with removing the damage reduction and extra health

Details/background on your proposal

currently vetex isn’t necessarily sure that its fair to have vitality builds have extra health
this proposal would change that, making it so that vitality builds would play just like normal builds. it would also remove the issue of vitality builds being able to play glass cannons without risk

Reason to add/change

this would make it more balanced as well as consistent with the rest of the stats. besides it makes no sense lorewise that someone who is very durable also has a lot of spirit energy, hence the renaming of the stat to ‘willpower’ or ‘spirit’ to showcase how it lets you manipulate your soul through spirit weapons
“it would remove vitality’s uniqueness” it would also remove its potential as something in need of nerfing to the ground, we would have a pulsar situation as a whole stat
“its unorthodox to rename a whole stat and change its function” warden got renamed to oracle tbf


So basically, you just want to make vitality magic 2

magic weapons fueled off willpower pretty much
(more of a gameplay thing so we dont have op glass cannons that also happen to have 50% extra health)

The increase in health is it’s ONLY draw, for the point of going glass cannon vit build, while oracle is unpredictable as of right now, the health you get isn’t insanely unfair for the health it takes to use moves, it’s a gimmick stat that (in my experience is really fun to play and to play against, as when you have full health it seems busted but when you get into a fight the drawbacks of going glass cannon are VERY evident.
TLDR: defense is still needed by vit classes and doing this would remove the only reason to go for vit classes in general

You’d have to remove the reduced Power scaling too as well.

But semantics aside, Vitality is in a good spot right now and is fine as is atm. The “OP Glass Cannon” part is a bit silly to me since it got addressed with the new/current Vitality Formula.

From what i can tell it definitely helped on curbing Vit Builds with high Power. But it also had the added effect of causing me going from 74 Power down to 0 in the process as well when it dropped. .


Imbues have recently made it much more bearable with the negation of Dmg Reduction. But i can still vaguely tell/feel that the reduced Power scaling is in there, but Patrimony Imbue synergies are offsetting it a tad.

If Glass Canon Vit Paths are still somehow a thing and somehow a problem. Nothing a bit more reduced Power scaling wont do.

Just . . Make sure not to hit those of us who are sticking with 40/45 Power and no higher. I don’t want to continue flopping around 0 Power and some Power investment. .

i agree with the rename to spirit, but i’m not too sure about the rest

by damage reduction i mean that scaling

So you removed most of vitality’s uniqueness?

yeah sure.
only reason vitality still gives health is cus the community would be mad otherwise

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rejoice, that was a bug and it’s going to be fixed

It still being there wasn’t intentional?!

guess it wasn’t

So let me get this straight, my build that is already capable of dealing 300+ damage with spirit imbue will be able to do even more?

stuff similar to this idea is gonna happen next update


We’re essentially as strong as Pure Builds and our fellow Hybrids now yeah. Since i thought the reduced Power scaling still being there on imbues was to help offset it a bit more.

Because Vit Drawback is decently negligible, and only makes things start to get hairy if you’re at 3-5% HP left. But you quite frankly have other issues by that point tbh. .

ggs we did it

I swear vetex is actually just making up what vitality is going to be as he goes along.


I’ve beaten a 5k hp Knight (whos BETTER THAN ME AT PVP MIND YOU) with no trouble with only around 1.7k hp.
Its not about how much health you have, its about how you play and your skill.

Well he is developing it

Exactly!! It makes no sense that vitality is the only stat that affect something outside of their build.

Like, investing on magic in a warlord build adds nothing to it. Same for investing in weapons for a warlock. Why does investing in vitality grant you health in the first place?

I completely agree with this proposal. It solves problems in parity, balancing and concept