The Ancient Magic dilemma

vitality is being reworked into spirit and not giving health lil bro

Oh right, I still hate that.

IIRC he said mutation is still a thing but not gameplay wise? or war seas are just more advanced but im not sure

first it was that war seas were more advanced and now he says he’d like to implement mutation but in a different way related to scrolls iirc
i could just be pulling this out of my ass but i remember him saying something like this

I think he said mutation is canon, but not in the gameplay universe, because then players would need a reason that they can’t do it.


fartman1314, the Corrupt Prophet

If it’s not anything to do with vitality anymore, I’m with the name change.

read the suggestion, it was 3 months ago and i predicted the future

yea thats what i remember

I don’t like elements such as that being changed for the sake of gameplay. Lost magic is big in lore, war seas people should just have genetic issues that prevent mutation, and not iris.

Mutations are canon but aren’t used for gameplay for the sake of making buildmaking easier for players

i hope you need to do a quest relating to the scroll rather than just reading, going “simple enough” and transmuting your magic to a much more complex and valuable one

The entire reason for it to be scrolls and not a quest to upgrade is for the sake of economy, trading, and dark sea expeditions.

im sure that is part of the reason but im sure vetex may have other reasons as well

this is not the first time i’ve talked about your reading comprehension

no the way you wrote it was a little but misleading. im thinking they took it as you do a quest to get the scroll and not the scroll has a quest you have to do

Well, if it’s a quest, why even use scrolls? Just make it a mutation quest.

oh ok
i meant when you read the scroll you need to do a quest to actually get the magic

Ohhhhhhhh i get it. That’s pretty alright.
What’d you do in the lost magic quest?

for the purpose of economy like you said
i just dont want it to be as boring as “grind dark sea for 17 hours then read scroll and boom, ancient magic”
it should require some sort of meditation like awakening