Reply for honest opinion (liùser's edition)

ello :open_mouth:

hehe hullo

you get down on yourself a lot and it frustrates me to a degree because it sometimes feels like you’re not getting any better. i just want you to be heppy because you’re veri fun and naice and i enjoy your presence as a person, everything else is simply complimentary. i won’t abandon you at any moment, but i would really like to see impeovement on som things we talk about. that being said, you did note it could be due to hormones and being a teenager so ig there’s nothing more i can say about it


you’re a fun person who’s always been a pleasure to be around n i just want u to be heppy

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Damn I’m scared after seeing dragon’s one
Suggestions sure were fun tho



general Kenobi-

Give me sand

forgot about this again bc sleep

artist whose style i highly admire. frustrates me to see you so self-conscious despite having well surpassed me in all regards. casual presence that’s fun to be around and is typically fun/easygoing/light-hearted. would be lying if i didn’t say i"m completely envious of your style and ability, hence an amplified frustration when you say things like you’re not confident enough to stream your art process and such. aside from art you’re someone i consider a friend that i can just be chill around

@bitia who?

lol, that mf kash shit was the best. anyway, was initially cautious of you since you’re a guild person who’s also more, ig, discord-y? like you seemed like you would be obnoxious and toxic (as the STEREOTYPE goes). can’t say for certain either way, but now i’m more relaxed about it and lean away toward thinking that of you

no need kekek, i’ve just had that impression of him since, like, we’ve ever argued. as for you you’re helpful and involved with the community both here and in discord so that’s really well-appreciated. always pleasant to talk to and without any worry for stress or possible drama, no mod history and definitely Leader-worthy

i only know you from myth and legend as the man with the most play hours and biggest inventory. seems chill with good vibes

@BNTarwarn 5c08_45cb_c6b9_32e4
still need to, uh, draw idol/trainer Av 1622346997333. anyway, you’re definitely someone i look up to since you seem so approachable but secure in your ways (which ofc i know you aren’t a perfect human being). wish i had your knowledge of Japanese and Mandarin, but that’s just true of anyone multi-lingual. phenomenal art with superb lighting, expressions, poses, and backgrounds i’m always trying to figure out. really admire your ability to just try anything (art) and be good at it. as a person you’re hilarious and extremely fun to be around, absolutely Leader-worthy imo

you like sand. about as much as i know. neutral opinion, but your lack of notable mod history (or lackthereof) is good

you’re someone my heart will always go out to due to circumstances. you’re extremely fun to be around and talk to and make me miss marching band a ton (fuck symphonic). i love your art and the simple but psychedelic aesthetic is has (your environment pieces have awesome perspective and colors). i consider you a pretty good friend and i’m always wishing for the best for you




me about to comment on every opnion topic

@liu ur opinion about me disappeared wtf

initially annoyed me (forgot why) and had English that was distinctively near incomprehensible. has improved since then and now holds a very neutral opinion

appreciated engagement with Lost Magic Elementals (Open Art Collab) planning. neutral opinion. regarding some spats with other mods, i’m also pretty neutral but will say that if Vetex acts like/says that then he might want to rethink how he addresses people in the future to avoid such occurences. the internet will take it out of context, it’s just what happens and the best way to prevent it is to not say those things in the first place (basically just be the bigger person and ignore it or say only as much as necessary)

ofc i understand the reasoning behind his frustration but, again, such a response is kind of to be expected with the state/manner of the internet and it’s easy to avoid by just not giving people material to use against you out of context (and even with context i still don’t really support it). that in mind, you do you


chill person i see working with for one of my major projects, generally good vibes aside from some needless drama-attracting posts



I agree 100%


Bri*ish :face_vomiting: