Reset level prompt

Reset level prompt
effort 2.846153846153846 13 quality 3.25 12 reasonability 3.785714285714286 14

Then press a magical log out button, take less than a min to make account, and presto

Diamond has a point. You can’t trade items between profiles unless you are signed into 2 accounts at the same time.

I thought he was talking about experiencing the game on an new file…

If you want to play how it’s intended, you do realize it’s not intended for you to start of with a shit ton of items right?

This is a much better suggestion than the previous ones

So basically what you are saying is

You have a choice to reset your level and keep everything in your inventory


Keep everything


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This is cool, a vetex gen person pretending to know everything about combo, I think what percy meant was that the blasts would still be your primary spell, and everything else would revolve around it.

That’s it.

No forcing anything upon anyone. People can play the game how they intend.

ok and? lost spells weapon skills 2nd magic :face_with_raised_eyebrow: is that nothing in the face of "oh but no combos :sob: "

Blasts will still be the primary spell skill issue

u sure about that?

Idk why they would not be… They require skill to use so they will be the primary spell.

As someone who has leveled 8 files to level 90 through different leveling metas in WoM, I honestly would not care if I had to do the story 8 times to level them again if it meant that there wouldn’t be people breezing through the story and oneshotting everything. It’s almost like transferring your progress from an old game to a new game despite the games being vastly different in major aspects.

The only thing I wouldn’t want wiped is my inventory because that actually took work to get. Levels are easy to get for most dedicated players.


Does it reset items?
If it doesn’t then I’m all for it.
I wouldn’t want to grind a bunch of things on a file, then reset level and they are all gone.

I would prefer this over nothing at all, but a global level reset is better

you are not average.
the average player has 1-3 files

I never said I was the average player, I said the average player doesn’t want their levels to reset and don’t care about the way it was intended to be played.

you are acting like the average player is you which it absolutely is not

No I wasn’t???