Reset level prompt

Reset level prompt
effort 2.846153846153846 13 quality 3.25 12 reasonability 3.785714285714286 14

not an insult, its an inspection of him as a person, if you see it as an insult then that just shows that you look down on people with alzheimers and other mental disabilities

You would not be using it in these forms if you didn’t see it as an insult.

LOL, this shit is so funny rn

That’s true, but you can’t go as far to make “No” mean “Yes.” lol

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Closing this for a min so yall can cool off. Keep discussions on topic and at least try to be civil about it

alright so how long until this takes a dive straight back into a completely and utterly worthless argument that accomplishes literally nothing.

i feel like if you lose your levels you should lose your items and stats too im just deleting my 2nd file and remaking it but i know some people are picky about that

If you’re talking about resetting levels, losing items and stats through prompt, then that’s fine.

Losing everything through a forced reset, really bad idea.

i was talking about optional, and i dont really see vetex forcing it on us

Yeah, that’s fine

Sparky indirectly causes another argument.

Felix vs Imminent.

Tbh im kinda fine if my lv be reset… as long as i keep my stuffs

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Even if you chose (optionally) to reset your level you still shouldnt lose your items. Theres a lot of us who want to experience ao as a level 1 on their main file where they keep most of their valuables. It would just be a massive issue.

if someone wants to reset their level for the sake of using their character they’re attached to with their stats and gear that they have on them without having to go through the effort of starting a new save and losing everything then, they should have the option to.

it’s a new game and at the same time nobody wants to lose their progress

big deal

Completely destroys the worth of the headless head as only vortex and the mods would have one.

** V O R T E X **


to me it doesnt make sense to have level 90 stuff at level one but i mean i guess it makes sense to other people i just dont understand how

i didnt really think about event items but theyre just cosmetic right? so i cant really see a problem with them all staying in your inventory