Retiring from Roblox

Think it’s just about time I move on. Not enjoying the site like I used to and all the games, including AO, have pretty much just bored me. Not sure if it’s me finding better alternatives or just being too used to it at this point. I had fun though, plenty of it, but recently it’s sort of just died down considerably.

I’ll probably stop using the forums too so don’t @ me for welcomes anymore as that’s recently been my primary reason for even hopping on the forums. I might pop up once in a while but I don’t think I’ll return to my previous levels of activity or engagement.

A’ight. Cya. :wave:


End of an era

Only reason why I’m still playing Roblox is because I’ve invested too mich money in deep and ao to not play them that’ll definitely change after I graduate from hs though


Have a good life :frcryin:
We gonna miss you



arigato ThatOneGuy :pensive:

good fucking choice
fuck roblox
who knows i might dip as well when this game is done

It’s kind of surreal to realise, one day, AO will be done.

what postgame content awaits us?

i will continue your legacy

might be left unfinished who knows
all i know is that once big v stops this game’s development i am officially dropping this platform
and probably for the best it’s been kinda like a toxic relationship if anything
i never get good connection the playerbase is shit i’ve probably been doxxed like 3 times while using it


Honestly I doubt he will, since vetex said he wants this game to be his magnum opus on roblox, his greatest work, before moving on with his life.

Though if he leaves the game unfinished, I guess it’s his choice, though he should expect a lot of disappointment.

especially from me.

hasnt stopped him before lmao (joke joke dont kill me :3333333)

anyways if ao gets to like, lost magics or the 3rd sea ill probably be satisfied, im going to be an adult next year and by then im sure ill have grown out of roblox entirely

i really dont expect ao to be completed though, i dont think were going to get another filteringenabled or anything but roblox’s tendency to implode on itself when a game has more than 2 mechanics makes me not very optimistic for the future of this game


The title screen music hits a little bit too hard now :frcryin:

the idea of arcane odyssey never being finished makes me… sad.

stop thinking about the future, think about the present

what can you do right now

you don’t have forever, don’t waste your life worrying about the future


I did not expect that

Have fun wherever you go

:cry: Goodbye, good one… :sob:

Damn, I get what you mean about not finding roblox interesting anymore. It’s been fun having you here, you’re probably one of the most iconic forumers around

It’ll be weird to not see your welcome messages for new members, but every era comes to an end. Nice knowing you ThatOneGuy

Farewell ThatOneGuy, the Prophet shall now lay to rest.

Fuck it’s Joever

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yeah roblox really is insanely boring
main reason i used it was for free multiplayer games, but now it takes hours to find something with maybe some mild enjoyment out of it, and even then its usually just pity fun as sometime something is so bad that it becomes good… minus the crazy microtransactions everywhere

and AO is cool and all but theres no reason to play except for a few days after updates, since its not like i get anything from grinding anyway besides renown (which makes me a target)