Reviewing your suggestions for AO!

It’s simpler as an idea at its core. Just bounty hunting but for sea monsters’. Relics is a bit more complicated as an idea (Collectibles that you can turn in with sets for a bigger reward or sell for some decent cash, with sprinkles of lore).

i’d rework the latter suggestion i can see a captain looking for clothes for his crew and simply cannot find ( yeah no npc selling pirate clothes wow ) clothes for his crew so he buys from the player and gives like sails ( don’t clutter all this to 1 npc )
critique the relics idea and think why would vetex want to add this to his game and keep in mind all the issues already in the game and so on, I’d drop the sea monster idea it seems like unnecessary from many perspectives, the relics idea is actually good and helps get the game out of the ‘bandit beater’ grind style for loot and adds something “interesting” much like how sunkens were “interesting” and made fishing even a thing

Though Relic idea is my favored child, the people have chosen which idea they like more. Hunting Sea Monsters for unique ship parts/trophies for your ship is much more basic, easy to implement and by extension appealin methinks!

We’ll see how Relics would be done, if ever. Idk if bits and bobs would even be necessary.

idk maybe dark sea sea monsters have some lost ship parts from some epic ships ( that’s as far as i could get the idea from what you said ) with no contract involved so just like a new drop, don’t base what you do based on what people like, do based on what you like and yeah relics would be nice and is such a missed out thing ( that shell island ruin just collecting dust fr fr )

Since grab moves are basically the same, all share the same cooldown and there are ALOT of grab moves,
My suggestion? make so that if you for example use a musket and a flintlock together and you use cheap shot. Onslaught would still be on cooldown but finish it’s cooldown faster than cheap shot, that would cause a reason to use Onslaught, as it’s avaliable now while you wait for cheap shot.

(basically, when a grab move is used, all other grabmoves cooldowns would be reduced by maybe 50%)

Ye ig, but poison jaws RN is just a slightly stronger tiger shark with +50 damage per bite bc poison, and it gives op PTD

it is quite rare and not easy to fight in water head on and drop rates aren’t too good and difficult to hunt cause buggy

don’t think of this as high priority people just find workarounds when issues like this happen

It’s litterly 2 shot and does only like 300 DMG

Also you can litterly spawn it in with bleed potions, not that rare

Anyway my idea is to give it like a acid effect in the water, making any players or boats near it take damage over time

Will help make it unique and not just a shark reskin with an extra effect

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But more grabs will be added in the future right? What is the point of using more than one grab if they are the same attack :frowning:

yeah grabs are just kinda bad

on bosses they only do damage, and in general they are kinda just boring

yeah that would be a good addition honestly not just some shark with poison teeth

i play on laptop i don’t really grab so i’m not sure are you saying that all grabs are same and you want the cooldown lower? @Jeffy could you elaborate too

What I mean is that, all grabs share the same cooldown there are ALOT of them. Also I don’t understand what playing on a laptop has to do with grabs?

What I would like is more use of grabs, curretly if you use one grab move, all other grabs are set on cooldown, this change would maybe cause grabs to be used more, as grabs are a very common attack on most weapons
(Brutal rush, Tiger rush, Quick combo, Cheapshot, Onslaught)

Then we have Rush and Snare, with probably vetex giving every weapon an uniqe grab, It feels like they don’t offer much as they are basically all the same with that. (with slightly less or more damage)
And for reference, the Katana and dual swords have
Sword draw: Flash strike
Sword draw: Mirrored river
On the same cooldown to prevent too much mobility.

Or devestate(and raging impact) being on alot of weapons, they also share the same cooldown. Just cause It would be unfair spamming the same move over and over. Expecially with raging impacts clashrate.

While with grabs, there are so many of them and I understand they share a cooldown so you can’t perma stun your enemy with a bunch of grabs but still
Having them not shuting down eachother would be nice, as of how many there are.

Sorry for the long reply.

it’s not easy for me to use grab especially with trackpad so couldn’t relate more or less

would someone really be using grabs that often?

Ooooh, Makes sense. I thought you had a mouse to your laptop.

And yes! Grabs are actually very usefull for combos, sadly I think they are getting overlooked. (Or I am just missing a HUGE point in pvp)

But as well, my main problem is how many grabs there are when all of them are basically the same, and share cooldowns.

I’ll make a suggestion (a reuse from my application) later but I wanted to see the general consensus on it first

Basically, ram size should scale with each ship upgrade. Currently, brigs have a frontal collider so big that small and medium rams can’t hit other ships from the rear, particularly other brigs which have a weird back collider. I know most would just go with the best ram(s) at the moment (Hammerhead, Iron Cleaving) but some smaller rams have really nice ram defense and lower power, so I don’t have to worry about losing a lot of ship HP from ramming.

That and I’m salty I tanked three explosive mortars while trying to ram an Atlantean brig from behind unsuccessfully

ram hitbox scale as ship goes up caravel>brig and so on right?