Roasting the Hero of Games

All attention is good attention, right? At least, that’s what social media teaches us.

In the spirit of our current trend of asking for the community’s opinion on ourselves, I ask all visiting this topic to roast the ever loving heck outta me. That’s right, you get an opportunity to insult, berate, and cow me in any way you see fit. Obviously I can’t force anyone to do anything, so you can also compliment me, but that’s less fun and would be pretty out-of-character for this forum as a whole.

Now, there are two keys to a good insult: personalization, and creativity. I cannot help you with the second one, but I can provide you some of my greatest stupid moments here on the forums for you to pick apart for quality material.

Gamehero14’s Finest

The time I tried to do another “what your crush says about you” thread, but this time with people’s actual characters. Nevermind stupid, this was inconsiderate and kinda weird.
What your FANDOM Arcane Odyssey Crush says about you

Oh, and there was the original topic…
What your Arcane Odyssey Crush says about you

Yes, I was actually considering this trade at first. And somehow thought that those were decent scrolls.

All this degeneracy, even with half of it being a joke

Riiiigght, buddy, riiiiggt…

So? What are you waiting for? Have at thee!



Dang those are a lot of downbad replies :sob:. Your botw fan story makes up for it tho :+1:

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Why would you do this, you peck neck?


Well darn, youre humor is rather… bleak…

Your insulting skills are so bad, you needed to make an entire topic just so you could steal better insults from others.

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You look like the type of person to open walnuts and smell them, then tie a shoelace around your ear to patronize the pacific ocean.

What does this even mean :rofl:

Ill squash you into tootsie roll and use that a fuel for my coal furnace.

I like tootsie rolls

Well good cause now you get to be one you 7-toed peacock

Do peacocks have toes?

Your inventory is worth NOTHING! You have ZERO stat points! You should sail into the Dark Sea, NOW! What are you here for, to worship Prometheus? Sail into the Dark Sea!

why not pull tomboys instead of jacking off to roblox forum

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there are 26 english letters, 52 if we count uppercase and lowercase. Adding numbers, we get 62. Even not counting special symbols allowed in naming, there are at least 839 299 365 868 340 224 (839 quadrillion 299 trillion 365 billion 868 million 340 thousand 224) 10-symbol combinations.

And yet, your name is 2 basic nouns and 2 numbers.