Safe Mode?!

This already exists, and if you ask me, it’s too much as it is. Players with 100k bounty should be free game for leaderboard players, but anything below that and the rewards definitely should be next to nothing.

Right now, though, the bounty thing isn’t really a problem since renown is getting reset. It’s mostly just random killing nowadays.


nevermind. I just remembered that people on the leaderboard do still gank each other, just that now off-leaderboard players are usually left alone. So, you should be relatively safe if your bounty isn’t glitched.

What is bro talking about :skull:.
I can beat some gankers myself on my main, since i am usually a dodge reflex spammer because of my fight or flight instincts kicking in, and i usually try to keep mid-range away from the enemy.
This makes this strategy good against Strenght builds that don’t have range options like shot or axe slash, because they usually don’t deal alot of damage.

I atleast do unique builds from time to time and try not to do too much metamancing (still a metamancer).
Why not go for something unique instead of something broken that will inevitably get gutted? remember the thermo fist nerfs?

you are basically asking us to metamance and take away the uniqueness and originality of some of our builds?
Pvpheads nowadays, no wonder i rarely check the PvP category.

Ngl you cant say much to abilties being used on pve like lost abilities
Just aim at the ground and you win in one spot
Gg! (Pve)

Thats why i included it with rhe argument as would there actually be a reason to waste scrolls and such for an npc who spams jump?

Thats the problem I see with further updates

And elysium / overworld pvp are two different types of situations

what was the point of this? you proved my point

I was suggesting to PVE players that don’t want to practice aim certain builds.

It’s a suggestion… If you don’t want to follow it, you don’t have to. I’m not even a metamancer myself, but meta builds would help PVE players a ton- I’d say.

I went into this game expecting a predominantly pve experience, which while I did get, still doesn’t make the random pvp encounters any less annoying.

But agree to disagree I suppose

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Yeah, getting ganked isn’t really a fun experience. I’m not even going to lie, it really can be annoying at some times- even as a PVPhead myself.

I only PVP because i am forced to on a daily basis, not because i want to.

You’re still INTERACTING with PVP and so therefore IMPROVING at PVP. If I don’t like to exercise but I have to go to my CONSTRUCTION job every day, I WILL exercise- and so therefore I WILL get physically stronger. You’re doing the right thing, by fighting back.

I am a slow learner when it comes to PVP in games, other than team-based PVP games, because those require you to atleast cooperate with your teammates to achieve victory.
i think i’ve thrown my five cents into the well, don’t want to be indoctrinated into the pvp community further.

I will always consider trying to mesh PvE and unregulated PvP together in one game to be nothing more than a recipe for discourse

I don’t get why you said this either? Anyway, fair enough if you don’t want to improve at PVP- even if it will in the long run improve your AO experience. Have a good day.

It’s not, it’s really not. Arcane Odyssey is a Roleplaying Game—that is, it’s a game where you take on a role inside of the world. Part of the appeal is the feeling of belonging, interacting with, and affecting the fictional world.

If people didn’t care about roleplay or belonging to the world, they wouldn’t make an effort to distinguish their characters from themselves. We see our character as someone besides us because that’s part of how you roleplay. If we as a playerbase didn’t do this, you wouldn’t see writing projects, character arts, and headcanons all over the forums.

Getting into the roleplaying aspect is not wrong or dumb. It’s a major component of the game for some people.

as a person who roleplayed in both WOM and AO, i see this as an absolute win.

Making unique characters and their own builds that specialise in something is a very unique appeal with AO that other roblox games couldn’t replicate, it just feels like a fresh breath of air.


Now imagine that with nerve damage in BOTH OF YOUR HANDS. PVP that turns difficult turns impossible. I can win a fight, but the problem is that I physically won’t be able to win. A PVP deterrent for players like me who have aspects that they cannot control, from bad internet to my body physically not listening to me would be incredibly helpful.


The issue is with PVP is that it’s virtually the only thing in the game that you’re effectively forced to interact with. No seriously—you can simply avoid pirates and NPC assassins; you don’t have to dive underwater; you don’t have to explore the Dark Sea. But because anyone and everyone can just jump you at random, you have to account for PVP and ganking. It’s literally the one thing (besides basic progression) that you can’t say “no” to.


I have to agree that PVP is being shoved onto you with every few minutes into the game, because you get jumped or backstabbed out of the blue, either because people want to get to LB or want to have an ego boost.
It’s technically possible to avoid PVP, but it’s usually costly and might fail in execution due to you possible panicking in the process.
And that’s why i feel like there should be a solution that tones down PVP, but does not destroy it at the same time.


When you’re just trying to hunt down an npc bounty but a lightning conjurer decides to jump on your boat and kill you for barely any reason

i tried asking for players to fight some time ago to get experience and improve

i either find complete noobs or incomplete builds which i stomp, or people with a grazillion player kills and broken builds where i lose instantly

either situation is not fun and i dont exactly learn much, ive given up.

this is why i would really love an “elysium” deathmatch place anyone can teleport to practice their pvp with no consequences