Safe Mode?!

i’m a writer and a dnd player, i know what it feels to headcannon and roleplay, but if you are going to complain about something that YOU do to YOURSELF then its just dumb

Every topic with “disable pvp” always gonna have 10 pounds of webester dictionary about AO pvp wtf


So what you’re saying is, it’s dumb for me—as a player intent on playing a “lawful good” character—to perform good actions in-game? And to enjoy watching the literal “good” meter go up?

Yeah, this is definitely true. I’ve tried this before and it kinda is a pain.

I think the major issue is asking a player to sail halfway across the map to Munera or to ask them to risk losing fame and galleons. Definitely not encouraging for consensual PVP.

Vetex proposed a dueling system a while back, which might help with this issue. Hopefully it’d prevent fights from inconveniencing anyone.

if you want to complain about when me -as a player intending to play a “chaotic evil” character- to perform bad actions in-game, and enjoy watching the literal “bad” meter go up as i mercilessly end your life? yeah, very dumb

Escaping ganks is somewhat easy if you have a strategy. Use your reflexes and leaps (double leap is good for playing mind games) and lead them away from your ship (if it’s out). Head back around to your ship and unleash the sails before you get on so that by the time you make it on, it will be moving too fast for them to reach it :+1:

i mean…if you want your character’s alignment to be 100% accurate…you can do that, but if you don’t want to due to the risks it poses…you can go the same renown path you feel the most comfortable.

Okay, but there’s a pretty key difference: I’m not intentionally ruining the experience of other players my enjoyment of the game isn’t at anyone’s expense.

You can still be evil and not ruin anyone’s day.

… is what I would say, but this game is a bit biased towards the “fame” players. I do admit bounty players kinda need more to do that isn’t just running from the navy and hunting.

whatever man

Correct me if I’m wrong, but can’t you just party them and then turn on friendly fire? Wouldn’t that fix most of the problems?

I know literally nothing about how friendly fire works, so take everything I say with a grain of salt.

Seeing as it can still kill the player, send them back to spawn, and possibly cause galleon loss, I’m gonna say it’s not really sufficient. Again, haven’t tried it, as I mostly just form parties with my sister, and she’s not even really interested in PVE combat, much less PVP.

Edit: just looked on the wiki. From the sounds of it, it just lets you be damaged by a party member’s attacks and doesn’t change anything.

Yeah if you get killed by someone in your party outside of munera you still lose galleons. Munera is the thing that stops you from losing galleons, not the party. I believe this is also the case if you’re a good rep fighting a gravy player too lol

So, it’s basically a nigh-useless feature?

Just turn off friendly fire

i agree fr. I dont think like you’d be completely blue balling ur self but it sure would be fun to start destroying peoples clan bases and steal resources whenever that update comes out

honestly, there is only one good solution so pve players can be safe. And thats to be good at pvp, simple

this is just sad man

Let me just solve my literal nerve damage then :smile:

honestly just make it so if a player is 80 levels above you they do 50% less damage at this rate

that’s the reason people are asking for an off switch for pvp yeah?

so that new characters don’t get ganked?