Safe Mode?!

my reply to this post is semi ironic but I think it would just be in every players best interest to engage in the pvp because of the content that is to come further down the line that might be heavily pvp related.

Im very sorry to hear that you have nerve damage in your hand but even then, vetex shouldn’t cater to players who are disadvantaged in pvp for reasons beyond their control. Ultimately, whatever vetex wants/doesn’t want comes first. Players second. I think in the QnA, he said he didn’t want a pvp toggle button because he felt alot of people would just keep it turned off. It’s not even about whether this is a good idea or not. If vetex is steadfast with what he said about the pvp toggle and that we won’t see it anytime in the future, then it would be better for players to just roll with it.

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Why are so many people literally deathly afraid of all pvp interactions as if your 3 generation family pet is going to die in a horrible accident if you do any pvp

I don’t understand, what are you losing exactly?? boohoo you died once and lost 80 galleons :sob: :sob: so what buddy… boohoo I’m getting spawnkilled by someone at Ravenna or X place!! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :cry: oh no… if only there was a way to join a different server… oh my god!! i just got killed as a level 66 by a max level!!! :angry: ok? ion get it? at most just a minor inconvenience having to travel back if you were far away or maybe losing charts ig but those are also easy asl to get again

I can only get getting mad if you got killed after a dark sea run/during one but other than that there’s almost always 0 stakes in majority of ao’s pvp interaction so what are you even getting mad about? :sob:

tl;dr can a pve demon please explain to me what hurts them exactly so much from “non consensual pvp encounters” (NOTHING OTHER THAN MINOR INCONVENIENCES!!! GROW UP!!)

my message to the pve goblins


pve demons complain about forced pvp a lot and I can see why, but I aint really one of em but heres a half-decent explanation anyways.

Essentially, imagine violently stubbing your toes into walls everytime you even remotely get near one. Want it to be fixed? Go somewhere there isn’t walls. Also on ocassion, you’ll also hit it so hard into a wall it’ll start bleeding.

I think the toe stubbing thing is a too extreme for something as a non-issue as forced PvP is to be an accurate example.

I’d say it’s more like spitting when you talk, spit will eventually accumulate on your face and the spit enjoyers who like spit will come and like it off your face. Avoid talking to avoid spitting, or one could use a towel and wipe the spit off their face themself to avoid the avid spit lovers. The analogy being that talking is playing AO, and spitting is renown, which will attract PvPers (Spit enjoyers) to hunt (lick) you in order to take your renown (Drink your spit). Wiping your face with a towel = wiping renown.

I apologize for the weird analogy and that it might seem confusing at first but my point being that AO is a semi-pvp game so something like a PvE server would never be added seeing as PvP is baked into almost all the features in this game + we’re getting a clan related update later on.

Most Roblox players are age range 3-30 year old men so I’d assume this issue is greatly magnified due to wrathful children who get upset at any minor inconvenience (dying in a video game lol) or maybe they’re sore losers or something idk. Like dudes really think they’re in Rogue Lineage with the way they talk about PvP.

but that’s off topic, my idea for pseudo safe mode idea is to split the renown system into a 3 part system.

  • A PvE leaderboard for PvE demons, 1 bronze star = 50k renown and 4 same tier stars = a star of a higher tier. The star system goes all the way up to platinum and can even reward you with titles and badges and stuff for how good of an adventurer you are. Of course cosmetic rewards will be provided for milestones. PvE leaderboard won’t give you renown so hunters now don’t have a reason to kill you (unless they feel like it of course)

  • A PvP leaderboard for PvP demons, works the same as before but now good and bad renown is combined, it’s hard to explain without making it a yap session but basically in Alignment chart terms (Which I will get in to later) good renown means lawful and bounty means chaotic. There may be rewards given too as mentioned in the PvE leaderboard. This could also factor in things like town alignment or something.

  • Fallout New Vegas style morality and karma system, pretty basic now but it’s still a W.I.P but it’s essentially for things sparing Elius and the like idk. Wish I could cook on this idea more but I don’t want to make this any longer

This idea is great because this keeps the world PvP system but decreases the benefits of hunting PvE players. Both system 2 and 3 are combined into 1 for a DnD alignment type chart that places your character based on what you do (Because I’m obsessed with morality charts). I truly am a genius of our time. Only problem is that this would take ages to fully implement of course.

I could have gone my entire bloody life without having read this.


out of all of the analogies you could’ve had, spit is the one that comes to your mind? seriously?


I am guessing it’s less about the pvp itself and more bout the toxicity of the players, I’ve seen countless of times said people trying to hunt others because of them successfully defending their attack or them being mad at you for playing the game or other stuff. (even saw people being afraid of the gay which is truly comical to see)

I like that global pvp is a thing, just that there’s way too much unreasonable toxicity in it. I don’t exactly know why it is like that or how it could possibly be improved.

The toxicity is also on the PvE side as well by lashing out at others with insults, while some times deserved people shouldn’t be insulting others like that over a game.


a few corrections

  1. you lose 350 galleons, not 80
  2. if they sink your ship, you’d lose even more galleons
    in total, from being killed and sunk, you’d probably lose ~1.5k+ galleons, everytime, which adds up. even if the ship sinking isnt involved, 350 galleons every single time adds up.

i do agree with you, if you are getting spawnkilled just hop onto another server. but your point about not losing anything is just wrong, i mean, you even go on to say the hunted player would lose their charts and dark sealed chests as well, so youre just contradicting yourself

but most important of all, you lose time. imagine doing something; anything, and having to die and travel all the way back, or server hop just to continue playing the game

and of course, lag, ping, and framerate all also play a role in pvp. most pve players probably have crappy pcs which literally make it impossible for them to win pvp fights even if they wanted to defend themselves.

toxicity is also another factor. being called “fodder” or just other toxic things in general will really discourage people from even wanting to try pvp again. and let’s face it, ganking and stealing items from other players will always have some degree of toxicity

finally, some pve demons also have these things called “jobs”, or “responsibilities” which dont allow them to dedicate 200 hours to practicing and learning pvp every day

i personally dont have an issue with avoiding pvp, but these are just some of the reasons why pve demons dont pvp




i’m going insane


also i like playing the game, but with pvp assheads i have to go much more into the meta’s and grind my shit out, if i wasn’t forced into pvp i could actually enjoy the game my way.

but no, now i have to fully max everything and get everything right cuz pvp assheads are around the corner

(and some equipment also gives way too much of a stat difference, someone casual and someone who grinded out all their shit is a night and day difference, they can be the same level but the one with all the equipment will completly destroy you)

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again imo just let us cap our reputation on neutral and we are done here most likely

it’s crazy that vetex finally divorced pve from the reputation system, but it basically only made it worse for pve players. now they have to keep going to the guy and pay money… how do you do that vetex

nah. i think its people just dont want to be bothered while grinding or it takes alot of time to good at it. it could be for many reasons tbh

that’s the thing, if the pvp was good, where you don’t have to grind who knows how long to have a CHANCE at winning, and then participing in that pvp would actually have a positive effect on you then alot less people would have such an option on or care if there even is an option!!!

AO has pve and pvp, pvp players can force pvp upon pve players… but even if the pve player SOMEHOW wins, they don’t get anything from it. the only rewards are for pvp.

meaning that pve players are fucked and the system of how pvp works together with pve is broken

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that doesnt sound like a pvp issue though. like if ur using equipment with rare enchants only instead of exotic then the stat difference is going to be pretty significant. So if there were to be changes to reduce that power gap, it would involve changing the stat scaling rather than directly altering pvp.

I agree theres like no reward for defending yourself beside getting to live longer, not losing charts, galleons (gaining 350 if they have alot of money) or keeping ur sealed chests/cargo. But there’s like not alot for pvp either. There is gaining clan infamy and bounty hunting but bounty hunting is so ass in this game. Like i see zero reason to be on the lb besides get hunted to the ends of the war seas and have a cool title, but its not nearly incentive enough for me. Theres not nearly enough incentive for me to go bounty hunting.

but the game is in early access and there is pvp content to come soon so i cant shit on the lackluster rewards for pvp rn.

the stat scaling is a part of pvp. (pve too, but still a part of pvp)

it’s not as big a problem in pve, but in pvp it’s a massive problem

like being the exact same level, but one guy basically being 5x stronger than the other simply from the equipment is just not good for pvp, if the game was purely pve then it’d be fine

i think vetex is balancing the game too much for pve and still focusing on pvp in terms of other stuff… it’s kinda weird but man is it NOT working

I don’t disagree with what you’re saying, that a fresh lvl 125 shouldn’t be so easily beat by a lvl 125 of similar skill with a completely finished build. I just think that on its own isnt enough to say the pvp isn’t fun. It’s just that getting into pvp is going to be the least of someones concern when their build isn’t finished because they don’t wanna get stat gapped. Once you get everything though, its pretty fun to engage in.

Obviously that doesn’t excuse the problem which is being able to win purely because of stat gap, but im unsure as to what solution you’d want to see that doesn’t involve changing stat scaling somehow. Even if there was changes to stat scaling to make pvp more accessible to files that are incomplete, i don’t see how it wouldn’t cause some consequences for pve.

getting into pvp is their BIGGEST concern considering they can always get forced into it at any moment.

:crystal_ball: i predict this topic will be closed…