Sandal, The Most Stoic Forumer

Ranting about your life is hardly being stoic (can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic)

I didn’t make the post so don’t get mad at me mrgoofbox

Not mad at you? I’m aware you didn’t make the post, that’s why I didn’t respond to your ass

aight nvm my fault

Don’t be an insensitive loser. If someone actually has life problems you should be serious not say “Oooooh get some bitches!!” Like stfu

asian moment

dont even know what that is

People attracted to the YouTuber dream, I’m pretty sure it’s satire tho

you’re getting more and more bearable by the day

good job


i want proof

it is dw

how :confused:

I don’t wanna show y’all creeps her number

just take a photo of yourself at the theater tomorrow or smth and blur your face out

oh alr gotchu

pro gonna be on the weekend or something unless she cancels last minute

if you tell her about the forums, she definitely might

nah dw I won’t

tell her me bout’ me tho

way too cool to not be mentioned :sunglasses:

ain’t no way

minute I say ur name every girl in a 400 meter radius will be disintegrated from the sheer levels of cringe

what if i told you i was a nerd-jock irl?


(tbh I think I count as one too)

:eye: :lips: :eye: