Server lists

Server lists
effort 0.0 0 quality 0.0 0 reasonability 0.0 0


Add a server list function to add alongside selecting a file to play on, or to replace the current warp function that only allows you to teleport to friends and specific users


Another tab beside your chosen file on the title screen saying “servers” would show alongside the other 3 tabs. This would pull up a server list that should indicate: number of players, server region, ping, friends in the server, and server age, which is what this suggestion is adding on to the following post:

This may also include which sea the server is based on (in future updates. you cannot switch to these servers if your file is not in that sea when you last logged), how many and what guilds are in the server, as well as any others that I may have missed.

The server list should also come with search filters to optimize finding the server you want.

Reason to add

Picking a server that you want in AO is pretty limited, especially now that the 5 player cap is gone. If you wish to play on a low player server for peaceful play, or you want to play on highly populated servers for large amounts of player “interaction”, with or without friends, the server lists should help you optimize your search and allow more freedom in the servers you join.

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