Share a change you want for the game you know won't be popular

Not really. It’s still a ridiculous amount of RNG. Just because I have better odds does not guarantee whatsoever that I will actually find what I want to in a realistic time frame. I don’t think you should have to search random chests to find basic ass old swords and guns and stuff is all.

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this is supposed to be a bad take…

Not a bad take- just an unpopular one.

Oops. Oh well. Thanks though!

@ThatAsianInTheCorner kill him or something idk

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i’m going to turn all of your bones into toothpicks


Yeah and that’s the whole reason I hate Ravenna centurions with weapons.

I say they should not sell general stuff but island specific gear, like the shark to other from redwake, and at higher levels maybe a replica of the chief’s sword, though islands like Ravenna and Palo town would probably sell bronze and the average weapons respectively, adding onto this I’d say they’d charge quite a bit to not fully invalidate the treasure hunting aspect of getting yourself a weapon. (Selling to randoms instead of on commission to the realm is 1 liable to get you in legal trouble with your realm and 2 probably not gonna pay out as much. For criminals I’d have criminal armorers run a rotation that changes maybe every 10 minutes to simulate new stolen stock coming in. And as for old lowest quality weapons, yeah ofc you’re finding those in chests.

I second this statement

nerf shadow

Tone it down slightly so it stays a good solo magic but make it react with light graahhhhhhhh

give shadow and light actual synergies tbh

Okay, so, I’ve been thinking about this since WoM was made, so note it was more intended to be used by the Magic Council than by the Gravy. This was a feature specifically for players who excessively killed other players, randoming low reps, attacking everyone on sight, etc. I called it the Sealing Ceremony.

How it works is, the Magic Council or Gravy would hand the captured MC off to a special organization. The player would then be taken into a deep underground cavern, where they would perform a ritual execution of the player, utilizing lost and powerful magic. Afterwards, the player’s level will be reduced by a percentage, and would be locked in place for a bit. During this time, the player cannot attack other players first, and can only damage players who hit them first. Players will regain their levels and be able to level up again after some time, the duration increasing depending on how many times they’ve had this happen to them, capping off at 3 hours.

This system was designed primarily to be used against genuinely scummy players, not evil characters.

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Make it so when lost or ancient magics come out, you can reset your second magic

you already can

Earth pillar lasts a longer while Similar to magma in water or smth? or maybe even be semi-permanent staying there until you leave. This could be done for any “solid” magic and would be very cool. Imagine making like a fortress or wall or like your own parkour steps that people can climb and stuff. I see the problems being that u can get yourself stuck but i mean we do that anyways without it.

h o w

you’ll be able to reset all your magics at some point i think

oh ok. AwesomeOS said i could NOW tho which confused me

reset your stat points someway somehow and awaken again

you will be able to choose again

tested and certified by me

oh cool i still have a stat reset waiting to be used.

if you reset stats it resets your awakening, put it back into a build with a second magic and you’ll be able to choose it again

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