Shark issues

I think I see the logic behind this decision.

With Diving points and pirate hunting, I could rake in about 9-10 sealed chests in 6 minutes. Vetex probably realized this and is implementing the ‘stronger sharks’ to dissuade people from speed farming these.

Here are my main complaints:

  • Weapon Users, already one of the weakest underwater classes, got their throws range nerfed. Weapon Users have far less enjoyment when trying to partake in this content and defend themselves from sharks.

  • Mages with specific magics also struggle to engage sharks in combat.

  • Fight Styles already lack in range, forcing you to almost always trade damage.

  • Sharks come out of the underwater fog to attack you, making it impossible to scout ahead when diving, and you will usually be snuck up on and bitten.

Overall, this change needs to be tweaked, and here’s my compromise:

SEA MONSTERS get a 50% resistance to damage. That means Meg, Poison Jaws and White Eyes. However, the regular sharks do not.


it’s been well proven that forcing players to play how you want is horrid game design
im pretty sure game makers toolkit made an entire vid on this


are they? ive only played as warrior so far in this update and ive been able to kill sharks easily (flying slash before they get to me, if its something like a great white i just use another flying slash or mountain wind to finish them off, or if theyre too close tempest, especially when fighting hordes)

only sharks ive had trouble with are tiger sharks since my only aoe moves are pretty slow or have long end lag so they get to me before i kill them

I would say in order of easiness:

Fighting Styles (it is not easy to punch a shark without getting bitten)

Warriors are obviously better since they get the bigger aoe and larger options, I meant more of the hybrids.

especially in a game like ao thats intended to be in a free open world with tons of variety, it really annoys me how restrictive the game has started to get

Made a sort of petition, If you don’t want the change, maybe we can keep it out of the game if we make our voices loud enough together. Please vote on it.

mfw the weapons meant to attract sharks to kill them do not attract sharks (i am mauled to death after being lured into a sense of security)

Me when my nerfed sand magic in water combined with the -50% STILL outdamages attachments

Fr, add some basic variants like we already have with cannons. From there we could have variants of these weapons that we can farm. Also I feel like these DR mechanics should only apply to more abnormal sea monsters such as white eyes or poison jaws. These have been affected by magic pollution so it’d make sense, maybe Megalodon could be an exception and also get some DR.

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Wanted to come here and say that this single post brought us all together, I made the suggestion, and then:

The change was made only to sea monsters, which was part of the compromise I proposed. Thanks for being vocal against this with me guys lol.

Wow, now only the biggest pains in the ass will be a bigger pain in the ass to deal with
It’s better than nothing but the fact that the damage is still getting nerfed is ridiculous

That’s not enough for me.
should’ve been the other way around tbh.

It’ll be fine if he buffs ship weapons again. I think on average they should do like ~150 damage. Maybe with some variation, like throwing harpoons being the fastest but weakest, and the swivel cannons hitting the hardest but having the longest cooldown.

Haven’t even seen the vitality one yet so lol.

They shouldn’t deal damage based on your build.

Any build should be able to use them to their own benefits.

Why did Vetex think making them build exclusive was a good idea.


Cause its a cool idea.

Because it is

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No it isn’t it’s just a nuisance for players to actually get the weapon that they need to do meaningful damage(which isn’t even that meaningful which is a different problem entirely)

I dont like the swivel guns using magic’s damage multiplier
my savant friend is doing 87’s with his throwing harpoons and harpoon guns and i do 70 with a water swivel gun, could vetex atleast let us choose which of our magics we want to use with them?


Because a person with 0 strength being able to do as much damage with throwing harpoons as a full strength user makes no sense