Show percentage effectiveness next to gear stats
You should be able to see the percentage of effectiveness of the acquired number of stat points from equipped gear.
Details/background on your proposal
Currently, for all stats, you just see the number of stat points you get from your equipment and nothing really telling you exactly how effective they are (except for Defense). The formula for how other stats aside from Power and Defense scale is unknown, so players who want to invest in other stats have no real idea on how effective they are unless they happen to notice a difference.
To alleviate this, players would be able to see what percentage effectiveness each of their stats (including Power and Defense) give alongside the stat points acquired from gear. Here’s a poorly drawn visual example (numbers are rounded, non-Power/Def stats are estimated):
This would allow players to better determine what how effective their build actually is and add more depth to choosing equipment (maybe not now because of the Hard Wizard meta, but later when there’s actually more choice for gear).
I think power and defense should stay the same (as they increase the damage and health by a specific number), and the rest should be replaced with percentages.
The percentage for Power and Defense would just show its effectiveness in regard to your base Power/Defense. For example, at level 90, you’d have 109 base Power, and +50 Power would be a ~46% increase. You also have 634 base HP, in which 125 Defense would be a ~20% increase.
(These could just show right of the stat and maybe be a toggleable setting.)
Seems like a useful quality of life suggestion, I think a good addition would be the ability to see how much your percentage would increase or decrease when you hover over a piece of gear to equip, like if you wanted to put on a warrior shirt, you’d be able to see before you put it on how much magic size % you would get or what your magic size % would be set to
Doesn’t fix much, but at least it lets people know the system’s broken.
Speaking of letting people know the system’s broken, your estimates are too generous.
If I could get +20% magic size out of a dull amulet, the percentage stats might almost be worth considering.