Some thing you would ask god to change about humans

atlantean lore

allow us to project memories to show our experiences into each otherā€™s brains
while it may work wonders for human empathy, I want to flash bang people with trauma


Can we also project abstract ideas and concepts or just memories

(abstract concepts so I can come up with the idea that if others think about it kills them :smiling_imp:)

probably just memories, unless you find one horrific enough that just does the job for you

give the rest of the world giant spiders like giant raid bosses

what the freak

No witnesses

kills you with my laser eyes

remove humans as a whole

if its not an option, lower their life expectancy to 10 years

reduces their lifespan by half probably

we should be friend ( do not )

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Remove our ability to justify atrocities. Seriously, you see the kind of stuff going on in N Korea and the Middle East, and it makes you feel absolutely sick. Itā€™s disgusting how so much of the world is literally living in conditions worse than the medieval era solely because of a corrupt government run by bad men.

Even if it made us weaker overall as a species, Iā€™d prefer such to how humanity is.

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what the fuck?

Fr let me cook

even better: completely destroy the universe and reset everything

and just keep doing it until we get a universe thatā€™s better than what we have now

or we could just make humans directly better and then we wouldnā€™t have to play the worldā€™s longest gambling game

bro what religion are u

none, iā€™m agnostic

does that mean just off brand atheist or something


Agnostic basically just means you arenā€™t confident that there is a god, but you also arenā€™t certain that there isnā€™t.

bro I goggled it