Some thing you would ask god to change about humans

are ur parents also

why are you asking this

Add a new sapient or semi-patient species like Atlanteans that can threaten humans, so they’re no longer at the top of the food chain and thus gain natural predators.

This’ll probably reduce conflict amongst the globe (from wars, to internet arguments, to ME side is GOOD; YOURS is BAD).

The natural instinct for animals to compete will cause humans to hopefully focus on the other species rather than fighting amongst themselves (even though history only repeats itself).

bro are you not human

Make everyone generally reasonable. No more procrastination(unreasonable because it’s just common sense to do your work earlier than later), no more murders without good reason(looking at serial killers, and most wars would only occur over things like land disputes or needing food. If a country is already generally stable enough to survive on their own there’s no reason to go and conquer more countries)

Everyone would still keep their personality, but maybe if people were just more reasonable the world would be a better place. At the same time though, this might affect “free will”(which is why God lets bad things happen in the first place)


that is not true

also if everyone was reasonable that would also mean there is now world peace, people would start recycling more, people would be more extroverted and have a lot more friends…

Being a reasonable person makes your life and the life of those around you 20% better than they would be if you were an ignorant, lying, murderous, malicious little gremlin! God helps those who help themselves, so why don’t you start being reasonable too?

If your parents work all day, maybe try to help them clean around the house. It’s only fair that you do your chores, and it’s reasonable to split the work in half. Try to learn how to cook instead of just microwaving everything. Maybe the next time you’re feeling angry, don’t hold in that anger and lash out at someone else, why don’t you say who or what made you angry?

I dunno, just an idea.

It is true. If an entire country is filled with reasonable people- no, if even just the RULER of that country is reasonable, after they reach financial stability and have a decent enough economy, why go to another country and continue from there? The only reason people conquer other people is for POWER, and there is no need for power if there is peace. Guns may not even be needed anymore, we might still live in huts in the forest just picking fruits or fishing for food.

Of course, progress is still needed for medicine and such, and with a reasonable human mind that kind of progress is possible even without the need of violence.

At the same time, a reasonable world would be less diverse. People wouldn’t know about other countries and entire generations would probably spend their whole lives just on an island, surviving.

Although, you can’t really achieve that kind of stability without some sort of conquering. I can see some wars being fought because one country wants to survive and in order to do that another country has to kneel down, but there would be no war slaves and the war would most likely end faster. In fact, there may not even be a war in that situation. It’s more reasonable to help another country instead of risking a hostile relationship with said country.

I think I’m still thinking of the best case scenarios, though. In short, I’d say yeah conquering might still occur, but it wouldn’t be so large scale (like how britain conquered). And to keep things reasonable, if one country defeats another country in war they’d probably still have a very fair contract with that other country. Taxes wouldn’t be so much that the whole place is put into poverty, or one country might just make the other country give them lower prices when trading.

This is all just assuming everyone is doing their best to maintain reasonable and at least NEUTRAL relations with other races/countries. And again, I think not everyone has to be reasonable for this to happen, if only the rulers themselves are reasonable it can work out.

probably wrote too much just for a response but oh well

I disagree

Why do you disagree? Care to expand on that?

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I’m not gonna write paragraphs like u, but if you have power you want more power since this is ao forum think about durza, he already took revenge for his village getting destroyed, but his ultimate goal realistically was to get every curse and magic he came across, he was smart and researched and stuff too

basically the only reason he did it was because he could

…what are you even talking about?

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What does this have to do with anything I said??

Are you trolling?

if you could do something and nobody can stop you you would do it if it gives you something you want, even if it comes at a price

You pretty much just ignored EVERYTHING I just said.

That is THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE OF REASONABLITY! A reasonable person wouldn’t do the wrong thing even if nobody can stop them from doing so. The reasonable thing to do in a time of peace is to… KEEP THE PEACE! Are you on something, bro?

britian conquered because they could

I completely agree bro just saying that’s not what nations going to do

That wasn’t even what I was saying… .re read my message before you continue spouting random nonsense