Some thing you would ask god to change about humans

Make all a neko

no, not doing something you know itā€™s not worth the risk is actually reasonability

No itā€™s not. Knowing that something isnā€™t worth the risk and not doing it is not morality, thatā€™s just thinking before you act. Letā€™s use this in the context of a bad person.

There is a psychopath who feels he HAS to kill people. Reasonably speaking, he shouldnā€™t be doing that, but due to how his brain works he feels like it trumps anything else. So, he wouldnā€™t go for a victim that is in public or attack someone at day, heā€™d only attack when in a secluded area in the night time. Or, a bank robber. A bank robber wouldnā€™t rob a bank with too many security cameras, because itā€™s unreasonable to increase your risk of getting caught. They might target smaller banks in towns or places that donā€™t have a big police force, or they might not even rob banks at all. There are way better ways to get rich fast without doing something like that(thereā€™s an entire video on how bank robbing isnā€™t worth it)

@opticalcord literally what sock just said here

ye thatā€™s bec laws

alright now Iā€™m convinced youā€™re just trolling. At this point Iā€™m talking to a brick wall, so Iā€™ll leave here.

have you not noticed this yet lol

I did, but pretty much everyone else was giving serious answers so I did the same.

itd be nice if more people had morals

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i would ask for a raise

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More or less what I wanted. While I think having smarter people would be good, having better people would lead to less suffering overall.

go up to god and be like listen this is great and all, but i think we should try lord of the rings Tolkien been cooking up a storm.

Can you please add a tutorial for life :melting_face:

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Iā€™d ask him to give all blind people their eyesight back for 2 minutes

that would be confusing for them like ā€œHOLY SHIT WAS THAT THING!ā€ and then darkness again.

make it so thereā€™s like a very small chance to come back to life after dying for just long enough to where your entire family to know you came back from the dead and begin celebrating before dropping dead again.

damn i didnt know so any people thought about give recommendation letter to god

make us less power/money-hungry so we actually help each other out, rather than constantly fighting and ignoring problems that will affect future generations just because they wonā€™t affect you

that or superpowers

superpowers are better because then we can stop overpopulation real fast