Some thing you would ask god to change about humans

honestly i wouldnt even be mad over this i’d just laugh my ass off

typ just accept you are a furry at this point

2 minutes is more than enough to realise and rejoice at your eyesight coming back

I don’t think there is much hope for most people on this website.

I feel like humans are generally too squishy right now

Falling from a medium range already has a good chance of breaking your bones. There are too many ways to die because your body is dependent on so many vital organs and if any of them start fucking up it could already lead to very bad diseases and illnesses. Your organs will also just die in some way or another by themselves, you don’t have to treat them bad or damage them

So probably getting rid of cancer would be a good start, after that the resistance to everything and whatnot should be increased

And to end it maybe give humans more strength too, I had always been jealous of ants for being able to carry 3x their body weight

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just make them smaller

make childbirth painless

that’s it.

i think it WILL become painless in the next few generations. our brains are rotting faster and faster every generation

yea im saying do it NOW!!!

Blud imagine a human turning into an anthro fish :skull:


America already got nerfed after the 1.9.69 patch, blud you fr dunno anything bout the latest updatest.

First -

. . Uhm . . Nice to see you guys again i guess?


Second -

Make ascension of higher existence possible for people, and slowly mold people to their true selves.

To heck with the world’s balancing, first person to reach a Planetary+ state of existence gets a headpat.


And lastly i leave everyone with knowledge.

i would like some magics BUT you gotta earn it somehow. youd need a high Spirituality stat

so bishops would probably be overpowered mages

PLEASE bring back the 4C hair glitch where you just throw a ton of moisturizes in and it stacks and grows 10x faster it doesnt work for me anymore and my hair is never growing :sob:

Magic-equipped christians vs LGTV ‚n cancel culture. Ultimate fight.

What if my true self is garlic bread? You know, everyone likes a good garlic bread, and no one likes me, but would I lose cognitive abilities, my soul or anything else? You see, I’d love to be a regrowing piece of garlic bread so I can make people around me happier infinitely, but not at the cost of my humanity.

basically the stat goes up with any Abrahamic religion
everyone is born with an element

If that would work like that I’d be a professional autism element user rn.

its based off genetics AND personality
Personality is more effective though but when I say genetics i mean if your parent had fire youd probably get a heat based magic more likely thats closer to your personality type.

Oh well then, my mom would be acid and my father plasma or smth.