Soo... a few suggetions for the lore I guess

The main topic of this thread is to point out mistakes and plot-holes in the lore, and suggestions for the lore of Arcane Odyssey

Lore + Mistakes

First, we all know the lore is a direct play from Greek mythology since it was pointed out at the very beginning of the full lore

So, with this information, let’s assume that all Greek mythology events before the blessing of fire that Prometheus gave are true in the arcane universe and every event that happens after that is like not to happen due to the Butterfly effect.

So now we know that some part of the mythology is technically cannon in the world of Arcane, we can set out some rules that the mythology did:

  • Gods cannot die, they literally can’t, not even if some other god tried to kill them
  • Humans cannot harm gods unless they are in a mortal from or assisted by another god

Now with that, we can point out some mistakes like

Gods cannot die, they can only be forgotten and fade away or just perish if their physical form is unable to reform, but then they would still come back, and humans (Durza) wouldn’t be able to harm them anyway
Titans cannot die either, they are also immortal in the mythology

So I would be very much impossible for the story to happen in the first place

I don’t want to talk much about magic but it actually makes enough sense and the actual lore though being quite wonky but still connects well to each other (sort of), tell me more mistakes in the lore that you found out really helps to add on to the suggestion


Since the lore now takes place closer to mount Olympia itself, there is soo many things that we could do, cool events like

  • Titanomachy (war of the titans)
  • Greek pantheon
  • The many upon many times that Zeus cheated on Hera

There are just so many stories that you could connect from the lore to make the world feels richer and more “alive”, something that I think WoM from my personal experience lack. You don’t even have to make really long lore, just do it as dark souls did, the world itself is so connected the lore didn’t even have to be too long because there was already so much to discover and speculate it just felt so finish, and since we have the just written for us lore just from the Greek mythology alone there should be more than enough material to work with. So in a nutshell, just make the world feel more alive, by adding on small details as you’re refining it, it’ll be worth the effort.

Tech, if you’re seeing this, I hope it helps to make the lore since I know how making a whole universe is painstakingly hard, so I hope you could nail it this time.

also I’m writing after 16 hour no-rest period, please feel free to point out grammatical mistakes that I made, I’ll go get some rest

I’ll vote because of the time and detail put into it

Mostly time

nvm there is another point that deserves my vote

What was it?

You did all this to point out it’s flaws

Yes, also bits of lore we experienced in WoM really didn’t felt satisfying to me, I just want more of the world to actually connect with the lore


There’s a thing called changing stuff

The VERY beginning of the lore stated it was a direct play, the VERY beginning

I know it was based on but there was multiple times it was said to be taken directly

I felt like blaming it on inconsistency wouldn’t make much sense too, since many Greek mythology event is reliant on the fact that gods are immortal and again… butterfly effect

Oh yeah, sorry about that. I kinda of skimmed through everything :sweat_smile:

I wish I could answer this lore topic but I can’t, all I can say is that there is a reason Prometheus became stronger than zeus, and why the pantheon lost. I can give a hint however, gods cannot truly die that is correct, but they can be scattered to the point their vessels cannot reform as was done with Kronos. Honestly tho I’m glad you’re getting into the lore, I’ll be sure to do another riddle like I did with 7 - 3, 1 & 2, 11 is standing still soon…so keep your eyes open for it : )


can’t wait

But we haven’t even gotten the answer to 7-3 etc. yet…
Or has someone done it, and I’m living under a rock and haven’t heard about it?

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my life is a lie

Prometheus becoming stronger than Zeus actually make sense since there were many excavated text suggesting gods would gain more power if they were given valuable offerings, so that’s a nice one you did there. Like you said, gods cannot die, with the exception of Cronus and Ouranus, but while Cronus was a descendant of Ouranus(one of the first deities), he was not a god, Cronus was a titan therefore making his death possible. In the case of Ouranus, he just disappeared after his… sterilization so there’s not much we can discuss. So in the actual greek mythology none of the greek god was ever described to be actually died, only to be eternally bound or injured. And the disappearance of the pantheon would make nice stories dynamic too. Thank you for explaining it to me, but it would seem that there is a still a few issues.

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