Spirits Weapons Copium

He made them in AA, thats not a new feature

Max energy build so you won’t have to look at the energy bar. Other than that, I stan Painite Warden build with max def. More pain the better.

Intensity is planned to be reworked, and among other buffs it will now give extra points to energy bar, its unknown how it will work with vitality builds

Even though I’m one of the first person to say that spirit weapons need to be done before the game is out of early access, it’s annoying to see people constantly bring this back

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I just believe constantly mentioning them can help to reduce waiting time at least a bit. Once I will hear when exactly they will be added, I will stop. Or I can stop after suggesting my spirit weapons idea, though Im still being ignored with my joining request.

no it won’t. if you knew vetex then you would know he isnt gonna hurry anything up for any reason

Constantly bringing it up only annoys other people and won’t make Vetex notice you

So? Half the features we’re getting are also from AA. What tf is your point from saying this?

yea vetex gets the memo, he’ll make it one day

jut wait like the rest of us
arcanium weapons…
mage weapons/books…
have you seen us cope about it every moment when RFAO updates :sob:

especially the whole balancing part of it???

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i think it’s gonna be that your energy bar becomes extra hp, but when you run out of energy, you can still use moves, but they just take hp

Was this topic made with sole purpose of shutting me down?

tbh im kinda annoyed that spirit weapons has been pushed so far as well but the moment you’ve been labelled as copium then you’re practically dead fish

so i’d just say let vetex cook, think of it as him making up ideas of how to make spirit weapons, that way SWs will be the best possible once complete

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My theory is that it won’t have energy, but your HP will function as an energy source for spirit weapons. Vit hybrids would just have reduced energy compared to other classes alongside their health as an option for energy with spirit weapons.

But then what happens to Warden’s energy, does the bar just disintegrate

My evil twin strikes again :pensive:

Yeah sure, why not? Alternatively we can turn it into a “soul durability” bar and it’d work like a buffer before we start damaging ourselves. This could be increased with intensity and the amount we drain from it could decrease with tiers.

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dude we got an atlantean weapon for every single weapon type including special effects with them if we just got two extra weapons that would have been so much more boring

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they’re not gonna be like AA arcanium weapons

and how useful are said atlantean weapons again?

I made a whole topic on how useless most of them are atm brah

Im waiting for the day he gonna ask community for ideas, bc you know what